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他抢先于他的竞争对手。He forestalls all his competitors.

这里是其中一些例子的抢先预览。Here’s a quick preview of some examples.

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我抢先离开了这房间以免牵累。I left the room to forestall involvements.

因为朋友不但是您的也是我的还是大家的,抢先半步领先一路!So I'm saying you're still half a step off.

他抢先于我提出了新问题。He forestalled me to propose a new question.

芝加哥公牛队以20分的抢先比分获胜。Chicago Bulls coasted home on a 20-point fat.

不错,抢先交易一直是个问题。Sure, front-running has always been a problem.

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乌乌首先看到了一个香蕉,但酷酷抢先摘了香蕉。Wuwu sees a banana first but Kuku picks it quickly.

抢先占有新城区的能源供应份额。Forestalls to hold the new city energy supply share.

我们要制敌先机抢先攻占那个城市。Let's anticipate the enemy's move and occupy that city.

美国海军证实了情报,抢先发起了攻击。The US Navy verified the information, and struck first.

酒店需要抢先将自己的名字显示在这类人眼前。They have to get their name in front of these people first.

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我已做好准备要提出反对意见,不料斯蒂芬却抢先一步。I had my objections all prepared, but Stephens forestalled me.

正在7-3抢先的环境下,郭跃喊了停息,随后将比分遁到了10-4。Guo called "Time Out" with a 7-3 lead and then went ahead 10-4.

历次“魔鬼”都能抢先一步,逃离警方布下的罗网。All previous "devil" can beat step, escape the net of police bs.

他抢先一步问了我同样的问题。He beat me to the punch and asked me the very same question first.

伸手想拿最后一块饼干,却被朋友抢先了!You're about to take the last cookie when your friend wolfs it down!

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我们比竞争对手抢先一步,这意味着我们书的销售量会更多。Our anticipation of our competitors meant greater sales for our book.

眼看着就要得到第一了,狡猾的老鼠却从牛背上跳下,抢先到达了神殿。But the cunning rat jumped off his back and rushed to the temple first.

然而不论发生什么,保守党已经抢先工党取得了主动。But, whatever happens, the Tories have got a headstart over Labour today.