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目的探讨疖痈康煎剂对免疫功能的影响。ObjectiveTo explore the effect of Jieyongkang on immune function.

方法正常小鼠灌服疖痈康煎剂后,观察淋巴细胞转化试验。MethodsTo observe lymphocyte transformation test after normal mouse taken Jieyongkang.

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秦皮煎剂毒性虽低?偶然会有发生呕吐现象。Although the toxicity of decoction is low, occasionally it can cause nausea and vomiting.

山楂茎、叶煎剂对金黄色葡萄球菌和炭疽杆菌也有抑制作用。Hawthorn stem and leaf decoction of Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus anthracis is also a disincentive.

目的比较四逆汤煎剂和缓释片两种剂型的毒性。Objective To compare the toxicity of Sini decoction with the toxicity of Sini Sustained Release Tablets.

应用紫外吸收光谱分析方法研究玉屏风散不同煎剂的差异。Ultraviolet spectrum is applied to analyze the differences of varying decoctions of "Jade-Screen Powder".

结论灵芝煎剂对亚稀褶黑菇中毒大鼠肾脏有明显的保护作用。Conclusions The Lingzhi decoction is very effective to protect rat's kidney damaged by russula subnigricans.

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目的研究糖肾保煎剂和雷米普利对糖尿病大鼠肾脏的保护作用。Objective To investigate the kidney-protective functions of Tangshenbao Decoction and Ramipril in diabetic rats.

目的观察金菊香煎剂治疗女性寻常性痤疮的临床疗效及作用机制。Objective To explore the therapeutical effect and mechanism of JinJuXiang decoction for female patients with acne.

目的探讨番石榴叶免煎剂小儿轮状病毒肠炎的临床疗效及安全性。Objective To explore the clinical effects and safety of guajava leaf in the treatment of infant rotaviral enteritis.

结果揭示,六味地黄煎剂对小鼠实验性肝损伤具有明显的保护作用。The results indicate that Liuwei Dihuang decoction possesses significantly protective action on liver injuries in mice.

结论中药煎剂联用头孢克肟治疗肺炎确有明显疗效,值得临床应用。Conclusion To treat pneumonia with cefixime conbined with apozem can gain obvious curative effect, which is worth clinical apply.

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许多其它不相关的植物的叶、茎皮和根的浸剂和煎剂作为草药或药茶也被普遍地饮用。Infusions and decoctions of the leaves, bark, and roots of many other, unrelated plants are commonly drunk as herbal or medicinal teas.

中药煎剂内服外洗治疗复发性尖锐湿疣具有较好的近期和远期疗效。ConclusionOral use and external application of Chinese herbal decoction exert better shortterm and longterm therapeutic effect for the treatment of RCA.

结论药典法定剂量的关木通水煎剂对大鼠肾功能及肾间质结构无明显的不利影响。Condusion There is no significant adverse effect of CAM decoction on renal function and interstitial structure in rats at statutory dose according to pharmacopoeia.

目的观察不同配比黄连肉桂煎剂的抗心律失常和镇静安神作用。Objective To observe the effects of anti-arrhythmia and tranquilizing the mind of different proportions of Rhizoma Coptidis decoction and Cortex Cinnamomi decoction.

目的探讨皮炎煎剂治疗湿疹皮炎疗效及对迟发型超敏反应作用机理。Objective To observe the efficacy of TCM drugs for treating eczematous dermatitis and to investigate the mechanism of their effects on delayed-type hypersensitivity.

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结论参四方煎剂治疗慢性顽固性腹泻临床疗效显著,对肠道菌群的消长调节作用明显,能重建宿主的微生态平衡。Conclusion Shensifang Decoction has obvious therapeutic effect on chronic refractory diarrhea. It can regulate intestinal flora and reestablish micro-ecological balance.

结论金菊香煎剂对女性寻常性痤疮患者皮损有改善作用,其作用可能与调节患者的血清睾酮水平及抑制局部细菌生长有关。Conclusion Female patients with acne respond to JJX decoction. JJX decoction improves patients' serum level of testosterone, JJX has bacteriostatic action on topical bacterium.

方法女性寻常性痤疮患者服用金菊香煎剂治疗,观察治疗前后皮损变化及血清睾酮水平,并做抑菌试验。Methods Serum levels of testosterone of female patients with acne were detected before and after treatment respectively and the bacteriostatic experiment has been done with JJX decoction.