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突然,他听到他的仆役吹起了口哨。Suddenly, he heard his servant whistling.

金钱是好的仆役,坏的主人。Money is a good servant, but a bad master.

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金融是好仆役,坏主人。Mfirsty is a bad servant, but a bad master.

许多仆役在偌大的门厅中快速地穿梭着。Dozens of servants scurried through the large foyer.

你们中那最大的,该作你们的仆役。He that is the greatest among you shall be your servant.

代表金钱。金钱是好仆役、坏主人。M is for money. Money is good servant, but a bad master.

通过宫里的服务,以及他们的仆役,你就能了解他们。By their service, and their servants, shall ye know them.

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以风为使者,以火焰为仆役。He makes winds his messengers, flames of fire his servants.

他可以想象得到她怎么脸带讥笑在门口接待仆役。He could see her meeting the boy at the door and smiling sardonically.

你以为一个穿红制服的仆役长和司阍人也属一种必要吗?Do you call a butler and doorman in red velvet a part of the necessity of the occasion?

一个仆役刚送来了早班邮件,一大抱信件和杂志。A servant had just come in with the morning mail, a great mass of letters and magazines.

契约仆役的工作条件与服役期限也依地区而不同。The indentured servants?work conditions and duration of service also depended on location.

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不需要献祭,你失去的只有你的局限、软弱和被仆役的状态。It demands no sacrifice, except the loss of your limitations, your servitudes, your weakness.

天使是他的仆役,被赎的人是他的珍宝,都欢喜快乐地昼夜服侍他。Angels are his courtiers, the redeemed his favourites, and all delight to serve him day and night.

“呸,见鬼去吧。”可以听见被勤务兵和仆役们的哈哈大笑声掩盖的说话声。"Pooh, go to the devil, do, " he heard the cook's voice, smothered in the laughter of the servants.

司膳总管和仆役长们,高兴地吹着口哨,旋转着盛满麻袋的大桶,在到处腌着牛肉。The pantlers and butlers whistling merrily rolled huge casks of sack and salted beef here and there.

一个仆役刚送来了早班邮件,一大抱信件和杂志。Look at that." A servant had just come in with the morning mail, a great mass of letters and magazines.

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哈丽特姑母统率着一个无形的仆役军,他们一刻不停地刷呀,洗呀,擦呀…Aunt Harriet presided over an invisible army of servants that continuously scrubbed, cleaned, and polished.

此后不久,私人机构迅速搜查港口的小客栈和乡下地区,来招募契约仆役。Soon thereafter, private agents scoured the ports taverns, and countryside to sign on workers for indenture.

他们走进问去,这门通向仆役大厅,这厅的一边儿便是女管家的房间。The door by which they entered led into the servants' hall , on one side of which was the housekeeper's room.