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我的午餐有着落了。That takes care of my lunch.

遗失的行李已经有着落了。The missing luggage has been found.

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预防和治疗都有了着落。Prevention and cure are both attended to.

要等我们打赢了这场战争,我的思想才有着落。My mind is in suspension until we win the war.

但是你知道,我想这个夏天我有着落了。You know, I think I 'm hooked up for this summer.

过去五个月中,只有一份工作有着落。Over the last five months, only one job materialized.

他可能从不知道下顿饭有无着落。He may never be sure where the next meal is coming from.

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你们来来又去去,流失在光阴里的着落不明。To come and go you go, the loss of the missing in years.

他可能从不知道下顿饭有无着落。He many never be sure where the next meal is coming from.

分装到三明治袋里,那你的一天就有着落了。Keep portions in sandwich bags to get you through the day.

人道主义协调办公室报告说,联合国的旱灾救援行动,只有百分之44的经费有了着落。OCHA reports the U.N.’s Drought Appeal is only 44 percent funded.

许多老人退休以后觉得心里空洞洞的,总是没有个着落。Many olds feel empty after retiring, always don't know what to depend on.

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可是天天又觉得太闲了,手脚都没有个着落似的!There doesn't seem to be anything to do all day and I always feel at a loose end !

许多家庭丢失了工作、住房、保健,甚至下顿饭仍无着落。Families have lost jobs, homes, healthcare and even the prospect of their next meal.

在他身后,那些铺位已经有了着落的人站的地方,显然有着一种轻松的气氛。Back of him, where some of those were whose beds were safe, a relaxed air was apparent.

很多毕业生挤破头都进不去,而特权阶层一毕业就有了着落。Many students have no access to crush, and there will be a privileged landed after graduation.

如果他在接下来9个月这样执教,那么下一个詹姆斯邦德的扮演者就有着落了。If he manages that for the next nine months, then the job playing the next James Bond is in the bag.

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有了海伦·凯勒国际的帮助,我们替她找了些食物,连医疗保障似乎都有了着落。With the help of Helen Keller International we were able to get her food and, it seems, medical care.

井上成功落地,但是下东的‘零’战在沙滩着落时机体严重受损。Inoue was successful, but Shimohigashi's Zero fighter was extensively damaged during the beach landing.

我们可以发送一个登陆器到那里,但是登陆器还不能在沟壑地带着落。If we could only get a lander there, but the gullies aren't in the places where we can send landers yet.