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不要哭哭啼啼、连声抱怨。Stop sniveling and complaining.

她微笑着,连声说谢谢。She smiled and said a thousand thanks.

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他急忙连声道谢。He babbled his thanks in a great hurry.

我们赶忙连声道歉,他的脸色很快就转阴为晴了。We proffered apologies and he soon softened.

他从老师身边经过时连声招呼也没打。He went by his teacher without even a greeting.

正吃着香肠的吉米听到这个消息被呛得连声咳嗽。Jimmy coughed and choked on a piece of sausage.

一位导游连声说路面简直像麻子一样。A tour guide kept saying the same road like Asako.

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那个男孩在他爸爸对他说话时连声说是。The boy kept yessing when his father was talking with him.

它的连声啼鸣,确实把我带到了春天的怀抱。Bird's repeatedly crow really brought me into the spring arms.

其中一位导游连声抱歉,说路面简直像麻子一样。Among them a tourist guide repeatedly sorry, said the road is like pock.

然而,忒修斯却把她抛弃在了岛上,连声道歉都没有说就开船走了。Instead, he abandoned her upon the island, sailing off without an apology.

阿洛德更加警觉了,连声嘶鸣,在他身边小心地跺着碎步。Arod was even more alarmed, this time whinnying and stepping carefully around him.

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黄燕容连声感谢组织的关怀,感谢云硫集团领导的慰问。Huang Yanrong thank the care he kept, for clouds of sulfur group leading condolences.

我走进梳妆间,推开窗户连声呼唤普律当丝。I went into the dressing-room, opened the window and called several times to Prudence.

侯利亚打电话予这傢伙,他是名记者,并就他对希斯基的批评发出连声咒骂。Houllier had rung this guy, a journalist, to give him a volley about criticism of Emile Heskey.

很多中外游客看到树挂后都连声惊叹其美丽。A lot of Chinese and foreign tourists to see the tree after hanging its amazing beauty repeatedly.

蝴蝶挣扎着向儿子爬去。这时平克顿赶上山来,连声叫唤蝴蝶的名字。Butterfly tries to crawl toward the child as Pinkerton, ascending the hill, is heard calling her name.

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许多老人接过赠送的抗菌衣后,连声感谢这个科技团队。Many old people received the gift after antibacterial coating, repeatedly thanked the technology team.

在影像学检查显示肿瘤并未复发后,马努埃尔和蒂芬妮•埃斯奎贝尔连声赞叹他们的儿子山姆“简直是一个奇迹”。Manuel and Tiffinie Esquibel have called their son Sam a "miracle" after tests showed the tumour had not grown back.

我问他愿不愿意和我们一道来,我的话还没有讲完,他就连声咂嘴,十分高兴。I asked him if he wanted to come with us, and he was licking his lips even before I had finished asking the question.