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对抗暴步兵流最好的组合。Your best bet against infantry spam.

中国武术以其突出的格杀功能,在民族抗争史上发挥着抗暴御侮、保家卫国的重要作用。Chinese martial arts had outstanding military functions, and had been used as effective means to defend the nation.

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让我们再一次重温过去,那就是强硬而不好战。“不好战”的意思是指我们不会以暴抗暴。Again, we turn to the past of firmness, but no belligerence, and by no belligerence I mean that we do not answer insult by insult.

为什么说镇压一个和平集会,而且是一个荷枪实弹的抗暴警察的人数远远超过参加抗议群众的集会具有如此重大的意义呢?Why is the crushing of a single peaceful rally, at which heavily armed riot police far outnumbered the protesters, so significant?

其三,儒家认为君权可以挑战,民众有革命抗暴的权利。Finally, Confucianism believes that monarchial power can be challenged and the public has the right to reform and to oppose tyranny.

他的遇害引发了美国历史上前所未有的黑人抗暴斗争浪潮,席卷全美125个城市。His death sparked an unprecedented in American history, the struggle of black uprising wave that swept across 125 cities. In 1986, the U.

还有,奴才当了主人时多半会比原来的主子还坏,我们在反抗暴力时不要以暴易暴。Also, when I became the owner will likely be more than the original masters also bad, we do not answer violence with violence against violence.

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刘邦从这天开始,便率领沛县的三千弟子展开反抗暴秦的斗争,最后终于推翻了秦朝,建立了汉朝。Starting with a rag-tag army of only 3,000 men, Liu Bang went on to overthrow the decadent Qin Dynasty and establish a new and vigorous dynasty, that of the Han.

刘邦从这天开始,便率领沛县的三千弟子展开反抗暴秦的斗争,最后终于推翻了秦朝,建立了汉朝。Starting with a rag-tag army of only 3,000 men, Liu Bang went on to overthrow the decadent Qin Dynasty and establish a new and vigorous dynnasty,that of the Han.

刘邦从这天开始,便率领沛县的三千弟子展开反抗暴秦的斗争,最后终于推翻了秦朝,建立了汉朝。Starting with a rag-tag army of only 3, 000 men, Liu Bang went on to overthrow the decadent Qin Dynasty and establish a new and vigorous dynnasty, that of the Han.

穆尔对以暴抗暴这种方式的彷徨与自责正是对启蒙运动和法国资产阶级革命手段的否定,卡尔。The wander and self-blame to the violent against violent mode of the Karl Moor is the very denial to the means of the Enlightenment and the bourgeois revolution in France.

人的生命也不只是在抗暴的人手起刀落恶官人头落地时才得到尊重,应该在很多被侮辱的人忍辱负重的时候就得到尊重啊!People's lives not only in the uprising of the staff officers from knife head off evil when landing to be respected, should be an insult to a lot of people bear to be respected when ah!