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多说无益,战吧!Say more not beneficial, war!

那种努力将是无益的。That effort will be bootless.

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一物已失,计较无益。For a lost thing care nothing.

一物既失,计较无益。For a lost thing cares nothing.

甚至无益于你的成绩。It'll do nothing for your grade.

多说无益,战吧!Say more not salutary, campaign!

让我们停止这种有损无益的竞争吧。Let's end the wasteful competition.

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继续争论是无益的。It is profitless to continue arguing.

老想过去的过错是无益的。It is useless to muse upon past errors.

其实动环密封圈过紧有害无益。In fact, actin ring seals tight unhelpful.

多说无益,市场决定一切!我相信派力克!Answer the market would tell! I trust our P!

要记住,有劳无逸,有害无益。Remember that, work without rest is harmful.

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爱情已经过了甜蜜期,多说也是无益。Sweet love has passed on, is useless to say.

每天抛掉几瓶这种无益的饮料吧。Throw down a couple of those bad boys each day.

它被认为是无益甚至邪佞之事。It was oppposed as worthless and even heretical.

是贪婪的羞耻,和无益的颂扬。Were an all-eating shame, and thriftless praise.

然而,坏书却对咱们有害无益。However, bad books be to do us lot harm dawn bad.

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就这样,坏书却对俺们有害无益喜悦。However, bad books will do us more harm than good.

这并不表示每个人都将是无益的。It does not mean that everyone would be unhelpful.

是否具备资格试一试便知,多说无益!!!Accredited try and then know, say more useless! ! !