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利用这段清闲时光去思考,回顾和计划。Use this time to reflect, review, and meditate.

是这样的,但是如果您希望以后清闲的话,这也是必要的。It is, but it is also necessary if you plan to be lazy later on.

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试试这些快速简捷的食谱,它们可以帮你逃离厨房,拾回清闲!Try these fast, easy recipes, then escape the kitchen and kick back!

今年夏天,你不可能找到那种光是在办公室吹吹空调的清闲工作。You couldn't just look for an office job with air conditioning this summer.

如得到贤相,由他“要百事之听”,自己便清闲了。" Such as access Xian Xiang, who "to Pepsi's listen, " he will be a leisure.

在上午较清闲的时段,这条街道会有一种几乎令人顿生敬意的肃静。The street in the softer hours of the morning has an almost reverential quiet.

让黄昏海涵白昼的过失吧,并是以为她自己赢得清闲。Let the evening forgive the mistakes of the day and thus win peace for herself.

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你不想喝太多酒,你只想去放松下,清闲下。You don't want to have to think too much. Your job is just to relax and vegetate.

所以,把让玛丽阿姨来坐水果蛋糕吧,给自己清闲一刻。So go ahead, give the fruit cake to Aunt Mary and save yourself the clean up time.

他没有选择一份清闲的工作,而是到一家国有制造厂选择了一个富有挑战的职位。He chose a challenging position at a state-owned manufacturer rather than a cushy job.

我也乐得清闲,到楼下去找房东要了一张送餐的菜单。I am also happy to leisure, to the downstairs room to find a landlord asked for a menu.

我想做的差不多都完成了,并且做了更多事,实际上,我现在比以前更清闲。I’ve achieved all of that and more, and in fact I have more leisure time now than ever.

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并说保证朱彪的安全,还给他一些金条,到别处过清闲的日子。And said that ensure the safety of Zhu Biao gave him some gold bars, leisure time elsewhere.

大梧桐树下,老人打扫着落叶,地上留下条条丝纹,清闲却又思远。Big Chinese parasol tree, the elderly clean leaves, left on the ground for all threads, but Rex.

哪夜没有月光,哪里没有绿竹和翠柏,只是缺少像我俩这样清闲的人啊!Which does not moonlight night, and where no Cuibai bamboo, but the lack of having this lull as people ah!

当我问他闲时都干些什么时,他告诉我他的清闲时间多半都用来看书。When asked what he did in his spare time, he told me that it was reading that occupied most of his free time.

我现在有一个灵活的时间表,其中会有一整天我都是清闲的,就等着有人会和我一起共度这段额外的时光。I had a flexible schedule where I had a whole day free just in case someone wanted to spend extra time with me.

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其中一个是安德鲁·布莱克,此人集怪才、赌徒、电脑高手于一身,平时清闲得很。One of them was Andrew Black, an eccentric genius, gambler and computer expert with too much time on his hands.

有多得可怕的报酬过高工作清闲的健康促进官员迷心于性。There are an awful lot of overpaid and under-occupied health promotion officers around who are obsessed with sex.

从那时起,他也再没有参加任何赛事,在他失去世界纪录和无敌为名之后,那是一个清闲的时期。He has not competed since then, a fallow period during which he lost his world record and, perhaps, his invincibility.