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具有熟期早、产量高、稳产性好等特点。It has early-maturity, high yield and stable yield.

农药工业是农业稳产丰收的必要保证。The industry of pesticide is the necessary assurance to agriculture.

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小麦品种的高产稳产及适应性是优良小麦品种的必备条件。High-yield stability and adaptability are prerequisite to good wheat varieties.

注水开发是保证水驱油高产和、稳产的最重要措施之一。Waterflood development is one of crucial measures for high and stable productions.

晚抽薹、低温生长速度快、丰稳产、品质佳。Late-bolting, growing fast under low temperature, high and stable yield, good quality.

为宁夏水稻稳产、高产提供了样板。Which provide the former to the stability and high yield of the paddy rice of Ningxia.

从长期稳产角度出发,开展了陶粒支撑剂压裂试验研究。A ceramic proppant application was conducted to aim at a stable productivity in long term.

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竹舟5号是早籼优质高产稳产品种,本文介绍了它的主要特征特性,并提出了高产栽培技术。Zhuzhou 5 was an early Indica rice variety with good quality, high yield and stable yield.

加密调整是保持气田稳产的重要技术措施。Infill drilling adjustment is important to maintain the stable gas field technical measures.

稳产性好的品种单茎干重大而稳定,收获指数高并有一定的稳定性。Single stem weight and harvest index were both high and stable in the stable yield cultivars.

表现出丰产、稳产、中早熟和适应性较强等优点,适宜于中高海拔地区及长江流域中下游双季稻作区种植。It is suitable to popularize in the area of medium or high altitude and double cropping of rice.

通过设计合理的控制方式,使生产达到稳产、高产。By designing reasonable control mode, it can reach stable and high yield for the production plant.

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小麦条锈病是直接影响小麦高产、稳产的关键性病害之一,也是世界性病害。Wheat stripe lust was one of world-wide main diseases, which affected high and stable yield of wheat.

以往针对气井采取同一泡排措施已不能使廖家场气藏达到稳产。In the previous gas bubble row measures taken already cannot make home games to yield jade reservoirs.

提出了“十五”期间原油稳产的对策。Then the countermeasures for stabilizing oil production during the "tenth five year plan" are proposed.

只要适时把好各技术关,定能达到稳产、高产的目的。Provided the key technique is grasped in good time, it is sure to get high and stable yield of the jujube.

针对彩南油田由于逐年高速开采引发的问题,介绍了为稳产增产而采取的综合治理措施。Some troubles resulted from oil production at high speed in Cainan Oilfield have been arisen in recent years.

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在油菜生产中,病虫害的发生是油菜高产稳产的限制因子之一。The prevalence of disease and insect pest is one of the factors, which restrict the yield in rape production.

通过这些指标说明干旱是关中灌区难以实现稳产、高产最大的障碍。Drought is the biggest disturbance of dependable crop and heavy-producing grain output to the irrigation district.

就高产稳产杂交稻的性状综合改良进行了讨论。The comprehensive improvement of grain yield components in hybrid rice of high and stable grain yield was discussed.