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9减4,余数为5。Take 4 from 9 and the remainder is 5.

将两个数相除并返回余数。Divides two numbers and returns the remainder.

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上面的第二条指令就重新产生了余数。The second instruction above reconstructs the remainder.

因此,3除以5等于,余数为3。So, three divided by five is zero, with a remainder of three.

校验和值除以分母值的余数。The remainder from dividing the cksum value by the denom value.

比如17除以7取余数,最接近17且比17小的7的倍数是14。For example, in 17 mod 7, the closest multiple of 7 below 17 is 14.

将两个数相除,然后将余数赋给第一个参数。Divides two numbers and assigns the remainder to the first argument.

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整数没有小数部分,所以余数部分被砍掉了。Integers don't have fractions, and so the "remainder" is lopped off.

下一次吧,对,这是个百分比,因此百分比标志会返回一个余数。Yeah, it's a percent, so this percent sign will give you the remainder.

当然还有一些其他用途,不单单是取余数。So, there is more useful purposes than that than just taking remainders.

当然还有一些其他用途,不单单是取余数。So, there is more useful purposes than that than just taking remainders.

一种完成除法运算的部件,它的输入是除数和被除数,输出是商和余数…The inputs to it are divisor and dividend, the outputs from it are quotient and remainder.

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通过运用初等数论方法,推导出本原同余数公式。The original congruent number formula has been deduced by fundmental methods of number theory.

以赛亚指着以色列人喊着说,以色列人虽多如海沙,得救的不过是剩下的余数。It is not as though God's word had failed. For not all who are descended from Israel are Israel.

若容积不够,请告诉我余数,我将为剩余的咸鱼安排另一个舱。If the space is not enough, please tell me the balance. I'll arrange the remaining brined fish in another hatch.

另一件有意思的事情是拿着“d”的人可以对一个文档进行签名,其做法是文档“M”求“d”次幂然后应用模数“n”求余数“S”Just as interesting is that the person with "d" can "sign" a document by raising a message "M" to the "d" exponent

但是,单靠中国余数定理仍无法解决距离测量和多普勒频率测量中的误差和遮挡问题。But the Chinese Remainder Theorem cannot solve the error and the blind region made in range and doppler velocity measurements.

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一种完成除法运算的部件,它的输入是除数和被除数,输出是商和余数。A unit that performs division operation. The inputs to it are divisor and dividend , the outputs from it are quotient and remainder.

计算一条除数式时,若不小心将除数由31写成13,结果得出商数是10、余数是4。For a division computation, if the divider is miswritten from 31 to 13 carelessly, then the quotient and remainder become 10 and 4 respectively.

哈希函数用除留余数法构造,用伪随机探测再散列发处理冲突。Hash function used to stay more than a few laws in addition to construction, using pseudo-random hash to detect re-issued dealing with conflict.