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这种物质会挥发掉。This substance will fly off.

乙醇是更容易挥发的组分。Ethanol is the more volatile component.

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水和酒精都是可挥发的。And water and ethanol are both volatile.

灰化肥挥发会发黑。Gray fertilizer volatilization would be black.

它的茎、叶都含有挥发芳香油。It stems, leaves contain volatile aromatic oil.

因为B是不可挥发的。Because we're going to take B to be non-volatile.

这种水泥很容易挥发或干燥。This type of cement can easily volatilize or dry.

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酒精比水更容易挥发。We know that ethanol is more volatile than water.

挥发我所有的灵感,你知道。to pull from anything that inspires me, you know.

酒精暴露在空气中会挥发。Alcohol will volatilize after exposure to the air.

我们假定溶质完全不挥发。We're going to assume that it's totally non-volatile.

无火香薰挥发精油是否可以喷洒在纺织物上,当香水使用?Can I use Aroma Reed Diffuser Oil on Fabric as perfume?

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挥发后留下清洁和没有痕迹的表面。Leave a clean, residue- free surface after evaporation.

这不会挥发,但会变得不再显眼。It will not evaporate, but it will become less obtrusive.

低馏成份少,使用时不易挥发,不需频繁补加润滑油。Cannot be easily volatilized and does not need to add oil.

挥发及快干溶剂,主要用于照相凹版油墨。Volatile, fast-drying solvent used mainly in gravure inks.

不兴不不污剂洋的溶剂难挥发,给夺目密封。In addition to the dirty of volatile solvents, to airproof.

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所以液体中不容易挥发的物质含量更多。So the liquid is rich in the less volatile of the components.

要三至十年才能完全挥发。To be able to volatilize completely needs three to ten years.

它非常可能含有邻苯二甲酸盐,且正在挥发化学物。Chances are it contains phthalates and are out gassing chemicals.