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私人银行业务正发展得如火如荼。The private banking business is on a roll.

在我写这篇文章时,爆炸和恐怖活动正如火如荼。As I write this, bombings and terrorism are ripe.

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但是今年的车展又现如火如荼的场景。But this year the parties were in full swing again.

各地培训双节棍教练员,组织武术大赛,如火如荼。Instructors were trained and big tournaments were organized.

当前,生态旅游正如火如荼地在各地开展。At present, Eco-tourism is in full swing all over the country.

而且巴格达南部的侧翼行动正如火如荼。And the flanking operation south of Baghdad is already in full swing.

然而,到1946年,对大陆漂移说的战斗进行得如火如荼。By 1946, however, the battle over continental drift was in full swing.

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在间谍战如火如荼的时候,不可能写出关于它的权威著作。During the spy war it was impossible to write authoritatively about it.

一项呼吁带薪病假的运动在全国开展得如火如荼。A national movement to make sure you get sick days at work is catching on.

无论你喜欢不喜欢这种新技术,这场立体视效的革命已是如火如荼。The Stereoscopic revolution, whether you like it or not, is steaming ahead.

广场四周,各类民间艺人的展演也进行如火如荼。Around the square, various performances of folk artists were also in full swing.

作为我国网上书店的著名品牌,当当网上书店正处于如火如荼的发展之中。As a famous brand of online bookstores in China, dangdang. com is growing rapidly.

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自此校本课程在全国的中小学如火如荼的开展起来。Since then, school-based curriculum are developing enthusiastically all over the country.

而开发商首创集团、汉基地产等公司的项目也正在如火如荼地运作中。And developers creative groups, Han base off company projects are in full swing operation.

古色古香的旅馆在这十几年来生意如火如荼,如今却门可罗雀。Reservation books at the quaint inns to which tourists have flocked for decades are empty.

但是高速的海滨发展推动了这个结果——南端的跑车竞赛如火如荼进行中。But rapid beachfront development has forced stock- and sports-car racing to the southern end.

外面,抗日战争正打得如火如荼,但我却像娘胎里的婴儿那样安全。Outside, the Sino-Japanese war was raging, but I was as safe as a baby in his mother' s womb.

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你想让你的嘴变成炒勺吗?五味杂陈,如火如荼。Would you like some flavors that make your mouth come alive something to let your mouth on fire?

1978年,英国正如火如荼地进行着一次女性解放运动,我公开了自己的女同性恋身份。When I came out as a lesbian, in 1978, there was a vibrant women's liberation movement in the UK.

贫困率在下降,消费需求在上升,基础建设正在如火如荼地发展。Poverty rates are dropping, consumer demand is rising and infrastructure development is on a tear.