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秋是一个柔美的季节。Autumn is a beautiful season.

柔美的肩上芭蕾、柔术!Soft shoulder ballet, Jiujitsu!

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一头枕着柔美而幸福的胸脯。Pillowed upon a fair and happy breast.

它同时汇聚了柔美、孩子气和慈母般的滋味。It is at once childish, feminine and motherly.

柔美而精致的一款雪纺裙。Soft and delicate one paragraph chiffon skirt.

看她的柔美的外形和迷人的眼睛!Look at her feminine form and captivating eyes!

最后一个女孩叫珊妮,她有一副柔美如绸的嗓音。Last among the girls was Sani, the one with silken voice.

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鲜花的柔美和细节得到最大化。The delicateness and details of the flower are maximized.

让您的孩子徜徉于萧邦那纤细柔美、富于诗意的半乐世界�。Let your child be immersed in Chopin's fine and poetic music.

云云洁白的头发,使每个冬天都变得纯洁而柔美。So snow-white hair, makes every become pure but fine in winter.

作品的旋律舒展柔美,委婉质朴。The melody, pure and understated, unfolds softly and pleasingly.

她的演唱时而铿锵有力,时而柔美抒情。Her singing sometimes sonorous, powerful, sometimes soft lyrical.

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你在你的身边有一种更柔美的光辉和一种更大的神秘,女人。You have beside you a sweeter radiance and a greater mystery, woman.

承平洋上一些小岛的景色十分柔美。The scenery is very beautiful in the small islands in the Pacific Oceans.

这间主卧套房是景观柔美的两间主卧套房之一。This Master Suite is one two ensuite Master Bedrooms with gorgeous views.

而当她对这位老人打招呼时,那声音简直就像是首柔美动人的旋律。Her voice was like a soft, lingering melody as she spoke. "Hello, disciple."

那就好像是一个可怜的动物渴望听到柔美的语言。It was almost as if the poor animal were starved for the sound of gentle words.

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是柔美的丝质软缎还是浪漫的蕾丝面料?Is the silk guilder soft satin still romantic lace facings of soft United States?

柔美的布朗峡谷有着开阔的急流,翻滚着巨大的波浪。The laid-back Brown's Canyon run had wide open rapids with huge, fun wave trains.

野性与柔美兼具一身,让你在一眼就欲罢不能。It combines wildness and gentleness so that you are unable to reject it at a glance.