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风神的或与之相关的,希腊神话中掌管风的神。Of or pertaining to Aeolus, the Greek god of the winds.

是个守护神,林中仙女从风神得孕而生。He was a guardian spirit, the offspring of a nymph and the wind god.

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四方的风神,鼓起我的风帆,穿越经年之海。Oh, father of the four winds, fill my sails, across the sea of years.

他是一位年轻,好战的风神和雷暴之神,因此是自我产生的。He is a young, warlike god of wind and thunderstorms and thus fertility itself.

哈奴曼众所周知是伐由的儿子,风神或风神的化身。Hanuman is more well-known as the son of Vayu, the deva of wind or his emanation.

双钱集团股票的表现不如风神轮胎和青岛双星。Double Coin's shares haven't fared as well as those of Aeolus and Qingdao Doublestar.

其中之一就是受到风神眷顾的森林弓箭大师莱瑞蕾。One of these is Lyralei, master archer of the wood, and favored godchild of the wind.

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也毋庸说那些送来鲜花的女神,把维纳斯送到岸边的风神,和她那些侍女等都是虚构出来的。And there are the sort of goddesses or Aeolus of wind and handmaiden for Venus herself.

奴年二八老广东心水论坛,为春归惹动嗟呀,瞥见你风神俊雅。My age twice eight years, sorrowed by spring's departure, seeing your handsome demeanor.

而且我们都是面目出众,衬上今天刚买的衣服,更显风神如玉。But we are all outstanding features, in contrast today bought clothes, the more elegant Ruyu.

然而,第十八部有时是设定为湿婆往世书,然而有些地方却提到了风神往世书。However, the 18th one is sometimes given as the shiva purana, while some refer to the vayu purana.

菲律宾一艘渡船被台风“风神”掀翻,数百人可能已经丧生。Hundreds of passengers may have died after a ferry capsized in the Philippines during Typhoon Fengshen.

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宁波风神风电科技有限公司是与中国科学院自动化研究所合作联营的一家大型企业。Are co-operation with the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Automation, a joint venture of large enterprises.

奎托斯吹响风神的号角,凤凰被解放了,冲向天空并降落到不远处的平台上。Kratos blows the Horn Of Boreas, the Phoenix is Released. It flys to the sky and land on the platform in a short distance.

在中国一汽、上汽分别推出奔腾B50、荣威550两款中级车之后,东风适时推出风神S30下线并将很快上市。After FAW and SAIC respectively launch Besture B50 and Roewe 550, Fengshen S30 is timely off line and will be soon launched.

接著,他便以艾欧利亚的艺名,展开了职业生涯。艾欧利亚是希腊神话中,风神所居住的漂浮之岛。He started his artistic career as Aeoliah, known in Greek mythology as the floating island where the god of the winds lived.

其纵横潇洒、清矫秀润的笔墨意趣和风神淹漫、雄浑元畅的独特画风,不仅超越了新安画派,而且对后世影响久远。His unique style in Chinese painting transcended Xin an branches in Chinese painting, and influenced deeply painter after him.

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黄宾虹的山水画艺术,在传统风神与现代感的统一方面获得了巨大成功。The Art of Mr Huang Binhong's landscape paintings reaches great success in the unification between traditional style and spirit and Modern Sense.

而且,晚唐体隐逸诗人孤高傲世的绝世风神甚至成了宋代乃至后来人们心目中品质高洁的象征。And the Late Tang Form secluded poets had a great priggish and lonely spirit that became a symbol of noble quality in the Song Dynasty and later periods.

因为我们看到一个视为和撒旦一体的风神摧毁着,同样也被视为和撒旦相同的暴君,就像他企图摧毁上帝的威信一般。So you have a wind god who is identified with Satan destroying Pharaoh, who is also identified with Satan, just as he attempts to destroy God's faithful.