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在每一相里每一种物质有多少?How much of each component is there in each phase?

这个从本尊来的无上身份,在每个境相里。This Supreme Identity of the Exalted Self is in every image.

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不同的梦在实相里又有何分别?What difference does the content of a dream make in reality?

与开始时,它在液相里的一样。It has to be the same as what it started in in the liquid phase.

如同我们实相里的一切,它们与声音、光、颜色连接起来。As with all things in our reality, they are linked to sound, light and color.

然而,在你们新的实相里,它不再会比你们真正愿望实现多。However, in your new reality, it is no more than the realization of your true desires.

不同维度实相里的自我在此融合得到对全我的整体感知。The various dimensional realities of the Self merge in the overall perceptions of the whole self.

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当意识进化开始时,尽管幻相里存在着多元,但也存在着一体性。When the evolution of consciousness began, there was oneness, in spite of the diversity in illusion.

他们是事件的创造,人造事件和插入你们的实相里,看起来好象它们是连续行动的一部分。They are creations of events manufactured and inserted in your reality to look as if they are part of a sequential action.

不管你是两岁还是两百岁,你实相里的一切都是通过左脑而被看到和体验到。Whether you're two years old or two hundred years old, everything in your reality is seen and experienced through the left brain.

如果梦想矩阵允许他们他们寻求的自由,某些灵魂返回到他们其它意识实相里具有巨大的困难。Some souls have great difficulty returning to their other conscious realities as the dream matrix allows them the freedom they seek.

物质实相是能量实相的映像,它由一致实相里那些思想形态构建而成。The physical reality is a reflection of the energetic reality, which is constructed from the thought-form of those in the consensus reality.

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如果你正在判断其他人是同性恋或有其他性偏向,你就会在另一层面的实相里是同性恋或有其他性偏向。If one is in judgment of others who are gay or have other sexual preferences, one is gay oneself or has other sexual preferences upon another plane of reality.