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烧烤烟熏烘托出来的烧烤香气,风味特别。Extraordinary Barbecued flavor from the smoking process.

他在幻灯片中采用了高质量的图片,设计了震撼的视觉效果来烘托Gore本人和他的演讲内容。His slide images are photographic imagery of high quality.

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表演时锣鼓烘托,插科打诨,喧呼成戏。Percussion performances contrast, gag, noise called into play.

色彩的另一个重要功能是烘托节日氛围。Another important color association is that related to the holidays.

山顶很尖,在天空的烘托下似乎一排排獠牙。The tops of the hills stood sharply like cruel teeth against the sky.

花岗石常作为主景雕塑,植物配置起烘托的作用。When landscaping around granite, plants are chosen to contract the stone.

这些小游戏能够很好的烘托酒宴的热闹气氛。These small games can foil the festive atmosphere of the compotation well.

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配以具有浪漫主义的陪体元素来烘托情节。Accompanied with romanticism accompany the body elements to heighten the plot.

就算你的亵服可以很好的烘托出你的胸型,把你腋下的肉挤得跟鲑鱼似的也不行。It's the bra that pushes your boobies up beautifully, but pinches your underarm chub.

傍晚时候,上灯了,一点点黄晕的光,烘托出一片安静而和平的夜。In the evening, we open the light, a little light can shine a quiet and peaceful night.

议程中伴随着机器上跳动着的文字,渐渐烘托出会议的氛围。That ambience has been created by the dehumanising language of the conference sessions.

云锦有力地烘托了人物,渲染了剧情的气氛。The foil brilliant-colored brocade effectively, apply colours to a drawing of the plot.

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全篇都在烘托一种阴森、恐怖、病态、毛骨悚然、凄楚可怜的气氛。The whole story is creating an eerie, terrifying, sick, gruesome and miserable atmosphere.

因为我们是从侧面观察这个烘托,圆锥体的边缘看着就像一个X。Because we view the torus edge-on, the boundary edges of the cone shapes seem to form an X.

傍晚时候,上灯了,一点点黄晕的光,烘托出一片安静而和平的夜。The lights come on when the dusk falls. Their little bit of dim light brings a peaceful night.

水晶底座晶莹剔透,烘托整个产品极其醒目华贵。Crystal base, foil glittering and translucent get rid of whole product extremely smart showily.

他说,为了“烘托圣诞气氛”,他们在圣诞老人的新头盔上装上了红色的驯鹿角。Santa's new hard hat has been decorated with red reindeer antlers to "Christmas it up a bit, " he added.

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在艺术手法上,这部作品的气氛渲染和环境烘托都紧紧围绕着悲剧性的主题。In art technique, this work atmosphere to render and environment are tightly foil around the tragic theme.

又一场大赛烘托出这个明星,他总是在大场面中发挥出色。Another big occasion which cried out for a star man – the kind of situation in which he invariably thrived.

后来我还利用减色的方法来烘托离去时刻的气氛,这是我工作中最艰难的时刻。Later I took some of the color out to illustrate the fading moments. This was a difficult floor to work on.