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在其他地方,这种清音和浊音仍然共存。In other places, the coexistence continues.

雨如神仙降下的甘霖,传递着福泽众生的清音。If the rain god lowered Ganlin, Fuze creatures convey the voiceless.

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清音的w和在单词where等词中浊音的w共存了一段时间。Devoiced and voiced w- in where and so forth coexisted for a long time.

将清音和浊音的辅音通过最小对立组进行成对练习。Learn pairs of consonants that are voiced and voiceless and practice through minimal pairs.

界面精美,动画精致,大图大字高清音画。Gorgeous interface, exquisite animation, large characters, high-quality voices and graphics.

仿真结果表明,该方法可以分离清音和浊音信号。The simulation results show that the proposed method can separate unvoiced and voiced signals.

你可以通过将手指放在喉咙处来判断清音和浊音的区别。You can recognize the difference between voiced and voiceless by placing a finger on your throat.

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是不送气清音,相当法语、西班牙语的这些音。"p, t, k", are voiceless non aspirated as in French, which is totally different in English and German.

此外,相关的增强的清音信号可以被有效地分离,通过使用递推最小二乘算法。In addition, the correlation-enhanced unvoiced signal can be effectively separated by using the recursive least squares algorithm.

显然,正是由于这个清音化,“whispered”中的w在中古英语的文书中,受到法语的影响,发明了拼写wh-。Apparently, it was this devoiced, “whispered” w for which Middle English scribes, under French influence, invented the spelling wh-.

据我们判断,h-在字母组合hw-前停止作为一个独立的单位,但是它并没有消失,因为它使得它相邻的字母w清音化。As far as we can judge, h- stopped being an independent unit in the group hw- but did not disappear, for it devoiced its neighbor w.

还有一个清音旋钮,让你在失真声音上加一层增益过的清音型号,来提升清晰度和细节。The Sparkle Drive'skeyfeature is its clean knob, which lets you add boosted clean signal tothedistortion sound to enhance clarity and detail.

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具有两百余年历史的“四川清音”,以抒情见长,其婉约凄美之风令人陶醉。Sichuan Qingyin, which has had a history of more than two hundred years, is known for its soulful singing and intoxicating melancholy melodies.

有的还能偶尔发出一两声仙乐余韵般的清音,真有荡俗涤虑的神气。Some can also occasionally send out 1-2 heavenly music aftertastes voiceless sound, has the manner which really swings washes vulgarly ponders.

然而,希腊诗人象一绪阳光照射到这神话的壮丽肃穆的绵侬巨象上,于是它突然发出清音——索福克勒斯的歌曲。Yet the Greek poet, like a sunbeam, touches the terrible and austere Memnon's Column of myth, which proceeds to give forth Sophoclean melodies.

辅音发音时,气流受到某种阻碍,分成清音和浊音。英语共有28个辅音。Consonants are sounds produced by some form of obstruction of the air passage and may be either voiced or voiceless. There are 28 consonants in English.

该算法结合了声学分类,对噪声、清音和浊音加以区分,最后给出了仿真结果,证明其稳健性和有效性。This algorithm classifies the speech signal into noise, voiced and unvoiced sounds by using the phonetic classification. The simulation result proves its validity and robustness.

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谁的纤指拨弦,弹奏着一曲情爱的清音,纵然那眉间似水的柔媚,如花的梅妆,却也惊得一树的芳香,梅花三弄的雅兴。Who plucked , playing with a love of the voiceless, even though it's soft Things glabella, flowery makeup of the plum, but also a tree aromatic, of Three Variations of Plum Flowers.

实验一的结果表明现代维吾尔语的开首清塞音属于弱送气清音,清塞音和浊塞音两个音位范畴在其声学表现中都可以通过两个语音范畴的嗓音起始时间实现。The result of the first experiment shows that Uygur word-initial stops belongs to weaker aspirated category and it can be realized through two phonetic categories of voice onset time.

玉具有清音哑,止烦渴,定虚喘,安神明,滋养五脏六腑的作用,是具有清纯之气的良药,可避秽浊之病气。Jade has the funtion of clean surd , stop thirsty , calm false asthma , calm mind , and nourish the viscera . it is a good medicine of pure gas , and it also may avoid dirty disease'gas.