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蚂蚁和蚱蜢是快乐的。Ants and grasshoppers are happy.

你试一只蚱蜢我就吃一只蜜蜂。I'll have a bee if you try a grasshopper.

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那个只及蚱蜢膝盖高的男孩?The boy who was knee-high to a grasshopper?

那些吃蚱蜢的隐士们,最好Those grasshopper-eating hermits were so good

蚱蜢找不到任何吃的东西。The grasshopper could not find anything to eat.

蚱蜢窝的土地价格最终见顶。Land prices finally peak in the grasshopper colonies.

亚洲蚂蚁积累了大量的蚱蜢窝债权,感觉很富有。Asian ants build up piles of grasshopper debt and feel rich.

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新大陆的移栖的蝗虫和常见的美洲蚱蜢。New World migratory locusts and common American grasshoppers.

蚱蜢嘲笑着那只小蚂蚁,还是我行我素。The grasshopper laughed at the little ant and went on his way.

一些鸟喜欢吃蚱蜢,却很难逋到。Some birds like eating locusts, but birds cannot easily catch them.

当寒冷的冬季来临时,蚱蜢向蚂蚁乞要食物,蚂蚁拒绝,最后蚱蜢饿死了。When the cold weather comes, the grasshopper begs the ant for food.

朱丽亚打开了礼物,是一个陶瓷的蚱蜢举著一个地球。Julis opened the gift . it was a ceramic grasshopper holding a globe.

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和一个蚱蜢同居装个金牙管所有人叫“老兄”!Shack up with a grasshopper. Get a gold tooth and call everybody "dawg"!

秋蝉安静下来,蟋蟀和蚱蜢的合唱声减弱。The cicada is stilled. The chorus of the cricket and katydid diminishes.

其中有蝗虫,蚂蚱,蟋蟀与其类,蚱蜢与其类,这些你们都可以吃。Of these you may eat any kind of locust, katydid, cricket or grasshopper.

蜻蜓飞得高。萤火虫在夜里发光。蚱蜢跳得高。A dragonfly flies high. A firefly glows at night. A grasshopper jumps high.

我们在那里所看见的人民都身量高大,在他们面前我们就如蚱蜢一样。All the people we saw there were so big, we were like grasshoppers in their sight!

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它们能够变成各种各样的颜色,例如粉红花和蚱蜢绿。They come in a variety of beautiful colors like Blossom Pink and Grasshopper Green.

波士绿薄荷替代波士香蕉利口就成为了绿色蚱蜢。Replace Bols Creme de Bananes with Bols Peppermint Green and you have a Grasshopper.

可是当她回来时,蚱蜢和他的吉他已经结冻城冰了。But when she comes back, the Grasshopper and his guitar have already frozen like ice.