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在孤独症谱系中,你处于哪个位置?Where do you fall on the autism spectrum?

孤独症是一个谱系障碍,变数很多。This is a spectrum disorder with plenty of variables.

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实际上,孤独症的症状差别很大,它是一个谱系。There is a variability of symptoms, and a whole spectrum there.

这些发现已经在令专家们重新修订人类谱系。Already, the discoveries have experts reworking the human pedigree.

这狗出现在3代的的买的大坝,艾拉谱系3倍。This dog appears 3 times in the 3 generations pedigree of Dhara's dam, Ira.

谱系学为福柯有关身体的思想提供了方法论基础。Genealogy provide a methodological basis for Foucault's thought about the body.

谱学属史学别支,谱系之作实为历史档案。Pedigree belongs to a sub-branch of history, which is actually historical archive.

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在新的诊断标准中,这些人只能代表谱系的一个极端。Under the new system, those people would represent just one extreme of a spectrum.

目前,不同的医生在此方法以不同的方式处理这个谱系的疾病。At present, different doctors approach patients on this spectrum in different ways.

但是这个南方古猿谱系的特性,以及早期人属的特征都是未知的。But the identity of that lineage, and the characteristics of early Homo, are unknown.

家族谱牒是记载宗族历史、谱系的文献,起源很早,形式多样。Genealogy originated very early and records the family history, having different forms.

但它能为这个物种和个体的遗传谱系带来帮助。But it does lend some perspective to the genetic pedigree of the species and individual.

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在这12个月的时间框架中所唯一的例外是躁狂发作和精神分裂症谱系疾病。Exceptions to the 12-month time frame were manic episode and schizophrenia spectrum disorder.

在后现代罢黜了理性至高无上的霸主地位之后,开始重新推衍自己的谱系学。In the post-modern ousted supreme dominance of reason, after re-start, strong their genealogy.

形成权的提出,扩张了权利的范畴,使权利谱系更加完整。Emil Seckel's theory expand the categories of right, make the system of right to be more intact.

孔子的姓氏,“孔”拥有最长的谱系记录并仍然现存在当今世界上。Confucius's family, the Kongs, has the longest recorded still extant pedigree in the world today.

有孤独症谱系障碍的人,其大脑处理信息的方式异于常人。In people with these disorders, their brains handle information differently than most people’s do.

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胡汉民是被后世研究者从马克思主义史学谱系中有意删除的人物。Hanmin is the character intended deleted from the Marxism history evolution by the later researchers.

有些牧人尝试繁育最好的公犬而且有些人心里明白公犬的谱系。Some herders try to breed the best males and some of them know the pedigrees of males in their heads.

更加专门化的组蛋白变体在一些谱系中进化到执行额外的功能。Further specializations of histone variants have evolved in some lineages to perform additional tasks.