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布哈依这次去,就是想和公猪来个同归于尽的。Buha by the go, just want to die and come to a boar's.

我的主啊!求你不要使我与不义的民众同归于尽。Then, O my Lord! put me not amongst the people who do wrong!

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她以和谢天赐同归于尽来威胁谢天赐,让他将矿契给自己。She threatened and end up tsetse, let he will mine for yourself.

也许疣真的会脱落,但你的手指可能会同归于尽。They probably do after a while but your finger may also fall off.

最后,她为了保护自己的狼孙,与金雕同归于尽了。Finally, in order to protect her Wolf sun, end up with golden eagles.

这口被许多死人喝过水的井也该同归于尽。This well where drank so many of the dead was destined to die itself.

我们正在采取行动,以共同合作代替同归于尽。We are moving to replace mutually assured destruction with mutual cooperation.

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如果可以的话,我真想掐死自己,和心中的魔鬼同归于尽。If you can, I really want to strangle himself, and the hearts of the demons die.

“我一出去就会引爆自己,与侵略者同归于尽,”她告诉我。"As soon as I get out I will explode myself against the invaders, " she told me.

塔金再也没有回来,他和死星在爆炸中同归于尽。Tarkin never returned, having died in the explosion that consumed the Death Star.

为了敌对势力而选择同归于尽的可怕场景,如一盆冰水扑灭了好战的热火。The prospect of mutual annihilation for the rival powers chilled bellicose passions.

爱情只有三个结局,要么结婚,要么分手,要么同归于尽。The love only has 3 last outcomes, Yao matrimony, the Yao damages up, the Yao perishes together.

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第三步则是反咬对手,抹黑大家,威胁一起同归于尽。Third, they would attack their adversaries, smear them and threaten to drag them down with them.

但从没有人试图把他的管理人引诱到一个陷阱里来同归于尽。But none had sought to lure his handlers into a trap with the aim of killing them, along with himself.

福尔摩斯最后选择了跟他同归于尽,一起掉到了瀑布下,坠入了万丈深渊。Holmes finally chose to die together with him, along with a waterfall and fell, plunged into the abyss.

许德拉很爱阿尼,他不会让阿尼去送死,她决定在阿尼之前击退赫五力,哪怕是同归于尽。Hydra deeply loved Nemean and decided to fight Hercules herself even if it meant they had to die together.

我的人数少,如果他们联合起来反对我,攻击我,那末我和我全家就必同归于尽。I have so few men that, if these people unite against me and attack me, I and my family will be wiped out.

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为送蓝天出城,尹三克服重重阻碍,最终舍生取义,与敌人同归于尽。To send the blue sky out of the city, and three to overcome many obstacles, yoon final image, with the enemy.

只告诉他们,巫妖王已经死了,而伯瓦尔佛塔根与他同归于尽了。Tell 6 rings jordans for sale them only that the Lich King is dead, and that Bolvar Fordragon have died with him.

林午阳告之莫莉自己本想与军管会同归于尽,但是徐汉元回来的消息让他觉得自己有更大的使命。Lin Wu Yang told Molly this want to end up with made, but return Xu Hanyuan news made him feel there is a larger mission.