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事实上,那可能会很让他倒胃口。In fact, it may be a big turnoff for him.

假如你吃太多巧克力会使你倒胃口。Chocolates start to cloy if you eat too many.

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假如你吃太多巧克力会使你倒胃口。Chocolates start to cloy if you eat too much.

这种黑糊糊的东西真倒胃口。我非要吃吗?。This mushy stuff is lousy. Do I have to eat it?

别再跟我谈那人,一提到他我就倒胃口。Don't talk to me about that person. I'm tired of him.

这些东西很快就变得倒胃口,令人心神不宁。These constructs soon become cloying and distracting.

常常废话使一切人精神上倒胃口。A constant diet of tripe will make anyone spiritually sick.

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于是我就写了一篇空洞的、难看的、枯燥无味的、让我自己大倒胃口的3—8式文章。I wrote a bland, ugly, boring, tasteless 3.8 paragraph paper.

某些人把它称为“资本浆糊”这一倒胃口的名字。Some have referred to it by the unappetizing name "capital jelly ".

她批评这部影片如她所说的令人倒胃口的伤感情调。She criticized what she described as the film's cloying sentimentality.

拜托!千万不要在吃饭的时候说这个,倒胃口。Please, don't mention this while I'm eating, you'll make me lose my appetite.

看到冷餐桌上那些生的花椰菜和花菜我就倒胃口。I find the very sight of raw broccoli and cauliflower on a buffet table dispiriting.

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同时,根据路透社报料,他们发现了这样孤傲和倒胃口的行为。Meanwhile, according to Reuters’ sources, they found this behavior aloof and off-putting.

如果你不喜欢暴力影片,今晚就别去看了。这部电影肯定会使你倒胃口。If you don't like violence, then don't see the film tonight. It certainly turns your stomach.

有西洋菜汤,磨碎的胡萝卜等倒胃口票价,以及大量的慢跑。There's watercress soup, grated carrots and other unappetizing fare, as well as lots of jogging.

如果你问长胖多少可以接受的话,那么长胖一点点还是可以的,但如果超过3公斤,就会让人倒胃口。When questioned how much weight gain was acceptable, people said anything over 3 kg would be a major turn-off.

如今,她说道,他那6英尺1英寸的身形看起来更像是“一团模糊松散的肉”,增加的体重更是让人倒胃口。Now, she says, his 6-ft.-1-inch frame is "more than a little fleshy and mushy" and the weight gain is a turnoff.

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你可能不会倒胃口地调用,但是段错误是涉及内存段冲突。foo You probably weren't calling foo ad nauseam here but segmentation fault refers to segments of memory colliding.

你可能不会倒胃口地调用,但是段错误是涉及内存段冲突。foo You probably weren't calling foo ad nauseam here but segmentation fault refers to segments of memory colliding.

萤火虫的光也可以作为一种防御机制,闪烁的萤火虫会让天敌昆虫大倒胃口,食欲不振。Firefly light may also serve as a defense mechanism that flashes a clear warning of the insect's unappetizing taste.