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别让我消极。Donat let me down.

消极的心,解锁!Negative Heaet Lock on!

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不要做消极的否定者。Give up being a naysayer.

那将激励你奋发图强还是让你变得消极厌世呢?Did it motivate or demotivate you?

你感觉到消极心态消失无踪。You sense the negativity fall away.

消除了你的消极影响。Get rid of your negative influences.

清除掉像虫子一样的消极思想。Squash negative thoughts like a bug.

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是否由于二代那消极的反响?Was it due to the negative feedback?

我们都认识一些消极的人。We all know people who are negative.

躲避消极思想和消极的人。Avoid negativity and negative people.

恐惧并不总是一种消极策略。Fear is not always a negative tactic.

避免消极的人与事。Avoid negative people and experiences.

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但现代生活也有其消极的一面。But modern life has its downsides too.

消极思想是很个人的东西。Negative thoughts are highly personal.

现在或许是时候告别消极和悲观了。It may be time to move beyond pessimism.

这一切消极而又无用。It was very negative and non-productive.

想得太多,过度思考,会变得很消极。Over-thinking leads to negative thoughts.

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屏绝消极的想法,言语,题目。Refuse negative thoughts words questions.

积极心理学还帮助我们处理消极情绪。They also help us deal with the negative.

不正常的恐惧是有害的、消极的。Abnormal fear is very bad and destructive.