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检查壁橱和食橱。Check closets and cupboards.

检查壁橱和食橱。Check closets and cupboards.

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这些靴子应搁在壁橱里。These boots belong in the closet.

我担心地打开了壁橱。I opened the closet with fearfulness.

于是,他们把电视收在了壁橱里。In the end, they kept the TV in a closet.

也许他就藏在壁橱内。Maybe he is stashed away in the wardrobe.

打开壁橱和柜子时要小心。Open closet and cabinet doors cautiously.

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那你藏在壁橱的那张怎么解释?What about the card you hid in the closet?

她搬出了壁橱,住进了过道里。She moved out of the closet, into the hall.

楼上还有一间游戏室,里面带有一个雪松木壁橱。There's also a playroom with a cedar closet.

你的壁橱里至少要选择3克的谷类食物。Choose cereal with at least 3 grams of fiber.

女人的丈夫回来了,她赶紧把情人推进壁橱,却没有发现小不点已经在里面了。The woman's husband also comes home. She puts

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如果你需要枕巾的话,可以在亚麻制品壁橱中看看。If you want a towel, look in the linen closet.

能将我的衣挂在壁橱里吗?Hang up my coat in the closet , will you please?

同时,这就是我清理我壁橱的方法。In the meantime, this is how I cleaned my closet.

Sam宿舍房间有内建的一张书桌、一张桌子和一个壁橱。Sam's dorm room has a built-in desk, table and closet.

“在壁橱里。”面包师抱歉地说。"He's in the closet, " says the baker, apologetically.

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房间里有一个很大的壁橱,电视机。你可以把你的行李放出来。The room has a lar closet. You can put your gear in it.

我一连几天在屋里静坐.瞧看壁橱中的玫瑰I sit in my house for days on end and stare at the roses

一只耗子从壁橱窜了出来并跑过房间。A mouse darted out of the closet and ran across the room.