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去揣摩那人物的人性。Find the character's humanity.

西凤不解,和向南揣摩。West chicken, and ponder to the south.

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我简直揣摩不透他的用意。I simply couldn't figure out his intention.

你变成了一个揣摩别人心思的人,一个算命先生。You become a mind reader and a fortune teller.

揣摩上心是官场的基本原则。Surmising the heart is the basic principle of officialdom.

你是否曾经揣摩出一项有效的时间管理技巧?Q. Is there an effective time-management technique you’ve developed?

恶人等待我,要灭绝我,我却要揣摩你的法度。The wicked are waiting to destroy me, but I will ponder your statutes.

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很快我就揣摩出是谁的橙色手指在嗒嗒嗒地拍打我们的窗玻璃了。I soon figured out whose orange fingers were pattering on our windowpane.

但是仔细揣摩,还是古人用字更确切。But conjecture carefully, the ancient use chinese characters more precise.

记住,他们不知道你在想什么,可你也不要逼他们揣摩你在想什么!Remember, they can’t read your mind, and you don’t want them to have to try!

他满心喜悦,开始揣摩自己翅膀的功能,要把力量使到这一对新的翅膀上去。He began, delightedly, to learn about them, to press power into these new wings.

当我进一步揣摩茱莉娅-列维发布这些信息的手段,疑惑接踵而至。And the more I ponder Julia-Levy's approach to this release, the questions just keep mounting.

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我看了很多日本武士的书和片子,揣摩其言谈举止和心理活动。I read a lot of books and Japanese samurai films, try to figure out their behaviors and mental activities.

记者们在研究部长讲话以揣摩下月施政报告中的动向。Journalists are studying the minister's speech for pointers to the contents of next month's policy statement.

即便如此,今年的信里还是有很多可读之处的,特别是对那些愿意揣摩言外之意的人来说。Even so, there is plenty of meat in this year’s letter, especially for those willing to read between the lines.

尽管还没有有关多元宇宙的确凿证据,理论学家们还是在不停地揣摩它们。Although there is no evidence for these multiverses, that has not stopped theorists from speculating about them.

我基本揣摩出一个比较精确的时间表,并学会了一旦生产线停止,如何让搅拌机空过去。I figured out a precise schedule and learned how to tell the mixer to skip a batch when the production line stopped.

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当她再次问我时,已是好几年今后了。自从第一次不回答准确以后,我便一向在揣摩答案。Several years passed before she asked me again. Since making my first attempt, I had contemplated the correct answer.

这是关键认识的时候,揣摩其中食品和酸化哪些碱法。This is the key understanding when it comes to figuring out which foods are acidifying and which ones are alkalizing.

甚至他对文牍用语之类,都会随时从谶意上去揣摩思虑。Even his clerical terminology of the class, will always try to figure out up from the prophecy intended to contemplate.