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他稍稍一瞥,景物尽收眼底。His glance embraced the scene.

向下看一片空阔的景色尽收眼底。A wide prospect opened below us.

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峰顶眺望,安陆县城尽收眼底。Peak overlooks, Anlu panoramic view of the county seat.

坐上冈多拉会让你将威尼斯的迷人美景尽收眼底。A ride on a gondola will give you a fascinating view of Venice.

登上铁桥,蛇河的美景尽收眼底。Iron bridge, the beauty of the panoramic view of the Snake River.

有一个地方可以把惠远城尽收眼底。There is a vantage point where you can see all parts of the city.

登上城门楼,可以将“崖州八景”尽收眼底。Shing Mun boarded floor, "Yazhou eight scenic spots" panoramic view.

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男人向窗外望去,尽收眼底的是茫茫的大雪。As the man looked out the window, all he saw was a blinding snowstorm.

登上山巅以后,山下的景致尽收眼底。After climbing the hilltop, you have a panoramic view of mountain scenery.

游客可以透过这些艳丽多彩的走廊窗户,将园内的佳景尽收眼底。Visitors can have excellent view of the garden through the colorful windows.

站在这里,外滩啊,黄浦江啊,个城市都尽收眼底。Standing here, you find all the Bund, the Huangpu River and the city in sight4.

这儿的景色很美丽——整座城市尽收眼底,还有远处的河流和群山。It was magnificent — you could see the whole city, the river and the hills beyond.

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要是站在塔顶,可以把全镇的美景尽收眼底。If you stand on top of the pagoda, you'll have a panoramic view of the entire town.

这就是我的坦克总是跑的最快的原因——舱盖一开,一切尽收眼底。That was why my tank was always fast – the hatch was open, everything could be seen.

约塞米蒂国家公园317英尺落差的春天瀑布从此处的峡谷尽收眼底。The 317-foot Vernal Fall is seen from a gorge in California's Yosemite National Park.

从莲花山山顶你就能将深圳中心商务区的美景尽收眼底。On the top of Lianhua Mountain, you can have a bird's eye view of the CBD of Shenzhen.

它的立体摄像机眼睛前后转动,将房间里的物品尽收眼底。Its stereoscopic camera eyes swivel back and forth, taking in the contents of the room.

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灯塔上有铁台阶,很轻松地就能登上。扶栏而立,摄支考地海岸的风景便尽收眼底。Going up the metal steps of the lighthouse, you can view the whole seashore at a glance.

下面的全景尽收眼底,场地,森林,峡谷和岩石拼凑着往外延伸数英里。The panorama below, a patchwork of field, forest, valley, and rock, stretched for miles.

火车经过河西走廊时,一眼望去尽是无穷无尽的戈壁沙漠尽收眼底。As the train passes through the long Hexi Corridor, endless views of the Gobi Desert await.