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这是马克思主义预言的一种折光。This is a refraction of Marxist predictions.

醉人的樱桃红泛着紫色的折光。Attractive cherry red color with violet shimmer.

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珠光颜料是一种透明、折光率高的薄片状物质。Pearlescence pigment is a clear and high—diopter sheet.

大气折光是限制EDM测高精度的主要因素。This main effect on height survey EDM is atmospheric refraction.

吏隐心态既是传统文化的投射,又是时代思潮的心灵折光。It was the reflection of traditional culture and thinking of the time.

利用折光率快速测定纺丝油剂浓度。A refraction analysis method is used to determine spinning oil concentration.

用酸碱度计量度水样本的酸碱值。用氯化钠折光仪量度样本的氯化钠含量。Measure pH of the seawater by a pH meter. Measure salinity by a refractometer.

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脓液涂片直接镜检见大量圆球形、折光明显的厚壁孢子。Microscopic examination of the liquor matter found lots of round chlamydospores.

低收缩率,低光学吸收率,低折光指数粘合剂组合物。Low shrinkage, low optical absorbance, low refractive index adhesive composition.

磨砂、折光、七彩、水晶、局部光油工艺。Frosting, Diffraction, Seven Colors, Quartz, Silk-Screen Printing , Offset printing.

用此方法对试脸数据进行折光改正,取得了良好的效果。This method is used to correct refraction error in trial data and gains good effects.

报道了一种通过测试折光率来回收混合溶剂的方法。A method for recovery of mixed solvent by measuring refractive index is reported in this paper.

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经元素分析、红外分析及折光率测定,表明最终产物确是甲瓦龙酸内酯。And we confirm that the final product is MVA lactone by ultimate analysis and infrared analysis.

另外,它的折光率与普通样品的一致,但消光系数更小。Its index of refraction is the same as the common sample, but the extinction coefficient is smaller.

汤匙起到镜子折光的作用,使钻石特别加倍光明和呈橙色色彩。The spoon acts like a mirror to reflect the light and make the stone more brilliant and more orangy.

在美国佛罗里达州伊斯拉摩拉达的佛罗里达礁岛群的上空,一圈折光光环环绕著太阳。A prism-like halo encircles the sun high over the Florida Keys in Islamorada, Florida April 29, 2008.

本质安全等级防爆型制程线上自动连续监测折光计适合于直接安装于具有气爆性的危险区域。Intrinsically safe refractometer which can be mounted directly on the process line in a hazardous area.

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折光率数据和电镜结果表明,上相为表面活性剂富集相,下相表面活性剂浓度较低。The surfactant concentration is bigger in the upper phase, and smaller in the lower phase respectively.

通过实验测量同温度下饱和戊二酸酯的密度、粘度、折光率、闪点。The density, viscosity, refractive index and flash point of glutarate were measured at the same temperature.

随着碱性氮脱除率提高,精制油折光率呈不断下降趋势。The refractive index of the refined oil decreases continuously with the increase of the removal rate of BCN.