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我可以在我受托的案子中试一试。I can try that in this case that I have.

并进行了中试试验。The medium-scale experiment was also conducted.

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我们上一次曾在十二岁至十五岁的孩子中试过这项游戏。We tested it last week on twelve- to fifteen-year-olds.

我们上一星期曾在十二岁至十五岁的孩子中试过这项游戏。We tested it last week on twelve- to fifteen-year-olds.

参与并管理新产品相关的中试项目。Participate in and manage new product-related pilot projects.

但是我将在奥运会之前,在热身赛中试着比赛。But I will try to compete in some warm-ups before the Olympics.

录音资料可在伦敦的图书馆中试听。the recordings are available for listening at the library in London.

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本研究采用ANDEUF-01超滤中试机对茶叶提取液进行精制。The extraction liquor was refined by ANDEUF-01 ultrafiltration pilot unit.

并进行了蜂窝状车载催化剂的设计和中试试验。Then design honeycomb catalyst for vehical and carry on intermediate test.

原料药制造厂通常生产实验式规模或中试规模批次。BPC manufacturing plants often produce laboratory scale or "pilot" batches.

有预处理功能的紫外线已经在中试工厂存在了。UV primer with pre-treatment function already exists on a pilot-plant scale.

在现实生活中不能做的事情,他会在梦境中试着实现。What someone cannot do during waking life, he tries to fulfill in his dreams.

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中试证明新工艺用于大生产是可行的。Pilot production shows that these technologies are feasible for mass production.

介绍了EP系列减阻剂的作用机理、研制方法、中试生产和现场实验的概况。The mechanism , development , pilot testing and field test of EP DRA are introduced.

对高钙液态奶中试加工工艺进行了研究。The text mainly gives a study on mid-experiment processing of the high calcium milk.

中试产品经用户使用,能够满足人造革基布的生产要求。The products by pilot-plant test could meet the demand for artificial leather base fabric.

本文主要介绍一级色谱纯乙腈的中试研究。This paper mainly introduces the pilot study of the first chromatogram class acetonitrile.

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女人们没有办法知道她们的身体是怎么运作的,除非她们真的能够在生育中试过。Women don't have a way to know how their body works until they really try it out in birth.

目前小试已完成,生产工艺将于中试之后成熟。Recently, process in small size is completed, the process will be maturated in medium size.

研究表明,最经济沉后水浊度在中试系统的运行中仍然存在。The results show that the most economic turbidity of settled water also exists in the system.