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坚持量力而行,确保重点棚户区居民全部按时回迁安居。To act to ensure that all key squatters movements home on time.

真正看中的东西就买,不要借钱。真正喜欢的男人就追,量力而行。Really fancy things to buy, do not borrow money. Really love the man on, do.

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生活救助要量力而行,循序渐进,逐步提高。Aid to living according to our capability, step-by-step, and gradually increase.

量力而行,必要的时候寻求他人帮助,以避免背部受伤。Prevent back injuries by knowing how much you can lift safely and by getting help when needed.

毕业后要量力而行,不要仅仅为了留在大城市而放弃自我。Graduation hind wants do according to one's abilities, do not abandon ego to stay in big city merely.

现在年轻人结婚,要量力而行,要把握好爱情和金钱的“尺度”。Young people today who will get married should act according to their ability and do what is possible.

所以,企业要量力而行,把握成本-效益的度,争取最好结果。Therefore, enterprises should strengths, grasp the degrees of cost-benefit, strive for the best results.

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倒不如在消费上量力而行,不要在不必要的昂贵物品上花钱。Rather, it means spending within your means and not spending your money on unnecessarily expensive things.

持戒的时候量力而行。有时候,我们也可以决定在某一段时间内守某些戒律。You can take some of the vows based on your own capacity. You can also take all the vows for only a certain period of time.

所以,你不用自己的力量,他们量力而行,更实际的买东西,将可让您在家更多的女性。So, you do not force myself, and they act within our capability, more practical to buy things, will let you home more feminine.

饮香槟干杯时,应饮去一半杯中之酒为宜,但也要量力而行。Should drink while drinking champagne bottoms up the alcoholic in the moiety cup is also proper, but want to do what the strength allows.

就是说,人要有自知之明,处世做人,要量力而行,不强求自己能力以外的物事。That is to say, one have to know one's limitation, act according to one's ability, never importune something which is out of one's power.

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保护区建设要量力而行,在保护区建设中必须强调和维护保护区的事业性质。The construction of nature reserves should do according to its abilities, and the institution property should be emphasized and defended.

如果你打算划信用卡,可以打电话给银行,申请提高信用额度,但是要量力而行,不要超支。If you're planning on using a credit card, you can call the bank to apply for more credit, but only spend as much as you can afford to repay.

本文阐述了村镇建设发展的方向及必要性,应全面规划、综合建设、量力而行、逐步建设。This paper states the direction and necessity of village and town construction, which should have comprehensive planning and compositive construction.

我们当然希望自己很有钱,但既然现在没有,那么就量力而行,努力在现在的基础上去寻找浪漫。We certainly hope that he is very rich, but since there is no, then according to our capability, now in the effort to go looking for a romantic basis.

旅行中要量力而行,劳逸结合,并注竞睡眠,对于已经有缺血性心脏病、心律紊乱。In the travel must do what one can, alternates work with rest, and the note competition sleep, regarding already had the anemic heart disease, the arrythmia.

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尹明珠作为支援的军医官,试图劝说徐大荣量力而行,却不小心猜中了他想要争取休假大闹前女友婚礼的想法。Yin Mingzhu as the support of the military medical officer, trying to persuade the Xu Darong strengths, but accidentally guess he wants to go for a holiday ex-girlfriend wedding ideas.

同时办实事、做好事要尽力而为、量力而行,不提不切实际的口号、目标和要求,承诺了的事一定要兑现,要让群众真切感受到学习实践活动带来的新变化。Huimin Also, do best to do practical, not unrealistic strengths, the slogan, the target and requirement, the commitment to make must cash by learning activities people really brings new changes.