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有很多修订。There are revisions.

没有关于修订规例。No regulation on revisions.

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目录册正在修订之中。The catalogue is under revision.

这份文件应该修订一下。This document should be amended.

这一问题就留待以后修订了。This is left for a future revision.

为什么修订UML是必要的呢?Why was it necessary to revise UML?

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我强烈建议你的生活同样需要被修订。I highly recommend editing your life.

我已校阅并稍加修订。I had reviewed and slightly revised it.

小宫定志于1973年修订了本节。Sadashi Komiya revised the section in 1973.

统计局每五年修订一次税率。The VOA revises the rates every five years.

这部词典已彻底修订过。The dictionary has been completely revised.

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蒙古文文本的修订方式的定义。Definition of Mongolian text revision style.

在存储库中维护文件的修订。Maintains revisions of files in a repository

同时,图纸登记薄也需要相应修订。The drawing register is revised accordingly.

本行有权修订费用及收费。We have the right to change ees and charges.

下面我们讨论修订的规格。So, let's discuss the amended specifications.

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修订这本书占用了我大部分时间。Expurgating this book took up most of my time.

一个修订也可以有多个前身。A revision can have multiple predecessors, too.

本署未能处理你的修订要求。G14 Your amendment request cannot be processed.