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和无微不至的关怀The need of my care

她患病时得到了无微不至的照料。She was coddled when she was ill.

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爱是无微不至的窝心呵护。Love is the Woxin meticulous care.

他喜欢女房东无微不至地照顾他。He likes being mothered by his landlady.

您在生活上对我无微不至的关怀我。You to me in life takes good care of me.

从里到外,从小到老无微不至的关怀。Total care, inside out, from young to old.

但Djoko表示,这里的关爱却是“无微不至”的。But, says Djoko, the care here is “impeccable.”

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每当我生病时,母亲都会无微不至地照顾我。When I was sick, mother will be mothered by me.

妻子对他照顾得无微不至,知冷知热的。His wife is taking good, and thorough care of him.

他会注重生活中很多细节,对你做到无微不至的关怀。He cares about you so much, including the smallest things.

从我小时候到现在,我的母亲一直无微不至地照顾着我。Since I was young to now, my mother has been mothered by me.

我们没有惊天泣鬼神,却有无微不至的关心问候。We have no startled day sob ghosts and gods, but meticulous care.

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感谢你深深爱我无微不至。I'm grateful for the special love that you showed in different ways.

他对病中的母亲表现了无微不至的关心。He showed his concern for his sick mother by his many little attent ions.

无微不至管家式服务和最新的豪华设施彰显尊贵。Meticulously service and the newest deluxe equipment show out the nobleness.

只要你无微不至的对待萤儿,我就可以让你们家的公司,立刻恢复状态。If you treat hotaru meticulous, I can let you companies, immediately recover.

还有万千种无微不至的照顾,许多小事在空虚中便具有重大意义。And there are a thousand little cares. Nothings, which are enormous in that void.

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护士们对我无微不至,之前的岁月里,我还从来没受过如此细心的照顾。I've never been treated so well in all my life. The nurses can't do enough for me.

片中,小男孩对老人无微不至的关心和照顾令我感到温馨。In this movie, the good-to-excellent care of the little boy to the old man makes me warm.

另外,一直以来,党安荣教授无微不至、十分友好的照顾着每一个队员。Further more, Professor Dang keep taking care of everybody scrupulously and friendly all the while.