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噢,别贫嘴了。你只是在说好话而已。Oh, stop it. You're just being nice.

孙子都这么大了,还贫嘴!Grandchildren are so big, but also Garrulous !

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死老头子!孙子都这么大了,还贫嘴!Die old man! Grandchildren are so big, garrulous!

“贫嘴,”玛丽霍奇空洞地说。"Loquacious, " said Mary Hodges in a hollow voice.

玛丽•贫嘴修女从出生起就是撒旦虔诚的信徒。Sister Mary Loquacious has been a devout Satanist since birth.

那是一个爱吵闹、脸色发青、轻捷、机警、贫嘴、神气灵活而又有病态的孩子。He was a boisterous, pallid, nimble, wide-awake, jeering , lad, with a vivacious but sickly air.

法官应当学问多于机智,严肃多于贫嘴,虚心多于自信。Judges ought to be more learned than witty, more reverend than plausible, and more advised than confident.

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“举”了两下之后,他们便会向他那同样令人讨厌和贫嘴的朋友们自吹自擂,不断吹嘘。While doing a few reps they'll make exaggerated grunts and moans to impress their equally obnoxious and garrulous friends.

看着罗蒙,李银她们跟在你身后叫你爷,看着你在群里跟快乐,成功他们贫嘴。Watch Romon, Lee Eun-they follow behind you call your God, look at you with joy in the group, the success of their garrulous.

冯小刚导演摈弃了自己惯用的尖酸刻薄的幽默以及贫嘴的角色,而是用传统而流畅的叙事技巧来刺激观众的泪腺。Feng ditches his usual sharp-tongued humor and feisty characters to concentrate on stimulating the tear ducts through traditional but polished storytelling technique.

他外表与乔津帆一样贫嘴轻佻,实际则心思缜密、做事稳重,收集信息处理公务照顾生活无所不能,是乔津帆最信任的高级幕僚。He looks like and QiaoJinFan. he frivolous, actual is mind careful, stable work, collect information processing business to take care of the living god, is QiaoJinFan most trusted senior staff.