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我们真的觉得很忧心如焚最近。We really feel very distraught recently.

越发越增添了心中的忧虑,一时竟至忧心如焚。The anxiety increased, became almost painful for a moment.

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巴萨尼奥忧心如焚地等候着这场审判的结果。Bassanio waited in dreadful suspense the event of the trial.

她母亲忧心如焚,在电话旁守了一个晚上。Her distraught mother had spent all night waiting by the phone.

国王忧心如焚,只好答应了女巫的条件。King with good reason, had agreed to the conditions of witches.

这一声长叹,她就象是八十岁的老太婆、忧心如焚!This gives deep sigh, she is like 80-year-old old woman, worried!

而伊丽莎白和达西先生能否终成眷属这一点总是让我忧心如焚。I'm always in agony over whether Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy are really going to get together.

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国家出了大事,我们常守在电视机、收音机前,忧心如焚。Countries out of a big deal, we often observe in television, radio before, with good reason.

但尽量许多专家忧心如焚,却并没有发生重大的回护主义浪潮。But despite the fears of many experts there has been recently no major outbreak of protectionism.

但假使许多专家忧心如焚,却并没有产生重大的袒护主义浪潮。But despite the fears of many experts there has happlicationened to always no major outbreak of protectionism.

很多忧心如焚的家长在孩子收到一份或更多此类可怕的诊断后,选择了家庭学校。Many distraught parents opt to homeschool after receiving one or more of these dred diagnoses for their children.

事态发展令英国石油公司忧心如焚,它甚至说服时任英国首相托尼•布莱尔进行干预。BP was so worried about the proceedings that the company prevailed on then Prime Minister Tony Blair to intervene.

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四年前当我们聚会为一位总统举行就职典礼时,整个共和国忧心如焚地与我们站在一起。When four years ago we met to inaugurate a President, the Republic, single-minded in anxiety, stood in spirit here.

一位已有几丝白发的妇女目送载着她女儿的列车缓缓地驶出车站,驶出她无能为力的视野,忧心如焚。A woman with several silver hair was watching the train which her daughter took driving out of the platform, driving out of her helpless view.

一想到这些,我总是忧心如焚。即使在我心境最宁静的时候,这种念头也会像暴风雨一样突然向我袭来,使我扭扯双手,像小孩一样号啕痛哭。In the midst of the greatest composures of my mind, this would break out upon me like a storm, and make me wring my hands, and weep like a child.

如果这位阿森纳老板离开,克里希会忧心如焚,但是他坚信在可预见的未来这几乎不可能发生。Clichy would be distraught if the Arsenal chief was lured away but he is adamant there is little chance of it happening in the foreseeable future.

在离开人世前四个半月时,杰斐逊重病在身,债台高筑,并为家庭的贫困感到忧心如焚,于是他提笔给这位知心好友写了封信。Four and a half months before he died, when he was ailing, debt-ridden, and worried about his impoverished family, Jefferson wrote to his longtime friend.

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三千多位忧心如焚的艾斯圭尔居民最近走上街头抗议,要求将这处拥有两万八千居民的净地作为生态旅游中心,不要沦为淘金城。More than 3,000 worried Esquel residents recently took to the streets in protests aimed at assuring that their neat community of 28,000 beco mes an ecotourism center, not a gold-rush town.