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您是要给我开方吗?Are you prescribing medicine for me?

打开方纱布,泡入温水中。Open squares and soak in tepid water.

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明智的大夫在开方之前先诊断。A wise doctor will diagnose before writing a prescription.

所以常常为开方计算而花费大量的宝贵时间。So it often takes lots of valuable time to do such calculating.

这可以减少对以青蒿素为基础的联合疗法的过度开方,并防范使耐药性扩大到这些药物。Using these tests cuts down the over-prescribing of ACTs and guards against resistance.

小角度调转时用反向开方代替饱和控制的三模态控制。When the angle is small, the saturation control is replaced by the reverse square root control.

你看到了电负性的差异,开方,乘以四分之一,在移到e上去做指数。You see the difference in electronegativity, square it, multiply it by one-quarter and raise that to the power e.

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在他的开方中当然也有许多并不一致,但由于希望健康,我们都接受了。Many as a matter of course even among his prescriptions are disagreeable, but we accept them in the hope of health.

密切注意牵开器的安放、力量以及牵开方向能避免这些损伤。This can be avoided by meticulous attention to the placement of retractors and the force and direction of retraction.

然后,在古典和量系统里的传送过程的动态的开方的模型已经被基本上解释。Then, models of dynamical evolutions of transport processes in classical and quantum systems have been largely explained.

着重讲述了FIR滤波器设计、谐波分析以及除法与开方运算的实现。In detail, it specifies the design of FIR filter, computing harmonics theory and the implementation of division and evolution.

你失去了,得到了y轴质量中心,成了平方根,3除以8再乘l开方。m And so you lose your m, and so you see that y center of mass then becomes the square root of three divided by eight times l.

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有点象医生,评估公司的健康情况,然后诊断开方。The job is like that of a doctor, assessing the health of the company, diagnosing illness, and prescribing a course to recovery.

也可能是其他数,好消息是,我们不必担心math函数是怎样开方的,我们只要使用它就好。And the good news was we didn't have to worry about how math did square root or anything like that, we just got it and we used it.

此程序设计了一个多功能计数器,能完成加、减、乘、除、开方、正弦、余弦等了功能。This procedure designed a multi-purpose counters, to complete the add, subtract, multiply, divide, extract a root, sine, cosine, etc. functional.

当起钻到BHA,扶正器到达钻盘面时,司钻必须刹住刹把,让钻工移开方补心。While pulling the BHA through the rotary table, the Driller must stop when stabilisers reach the table and have the Floormen remove the bushings.

由于TT年龄较大,而且有心脏病病史,药师应要求开方医生减少左旋甲状腺素的剂量。Due to TT?s advanced age and history of cardiac disease, the pharmacist should call the prescriber to discuss a decrease in the levothyroxine dose.

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文中首先对用于有效值计算的逐点积分法与浮点开方算法进行了论述,并在此基础上介绍了系统的检测原理。Firstly, the testing principle of this system is introduced on the basis of discussabout point-by-point integration method and floating-point evolution.

程序采用模块化结构,使用汇编语言实现双字节除法、开方等具有一定特点。The program achieved are in a structure of modularization with some features on implementation of doubleword dividing and rooting with assembler language.

类似地,帕特森将纽约州的新提案表述为一种为了防止制药公司对医生的开方习惯施加影响所做的努力。Similarly, Paterson described the New York initiative as an effort to prevent pharmaceutical companies from influencing the prescribing habits of physicians.