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他经常打架He got into fights.

哦,那更像一场打架,你确实说过。More of a fight, and yes.

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男孩子比女孩子好打架。A preadolescent boy or girl.

他不断煽动我去打架。He kept goading me to fight.

两个酒鬼在小酒店打架。Two drunks fought at the pub.

猴子打架时会笑。Monkeys laugh when they attack.

在打架时,他的下巴被打裂了。His jaw was broken in the fight.

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我们还和其他帮派打架。We also fought with other gangs.

鲍博总是找碴打架。Bob is always starting something.

假如你想打架,那放马过来吧!If you want a fight, then come on!

别的孩子撺掇他去打架。The other boys egged him on fight.

他打架之后,眼眶被打成青黑色。He had a black eye after the fight.

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你们想继续打架的话,就自便好了。Go on and keep fighting if you want.

“那时俺可真能打架,”他说。I could fight good then, " he said."

露西和莉莉不常打架。Lucy and Lily don't fight very often.

其他孩子怂恿他去打架。The other boys egged him on to fight.

他煽动那个男孩与他们打架。He jostled the boy into fighting them.

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事实上,格瑞格和我所做的就是打架。In fact, all Greg and I did was fight.

男孩打架之后,眼眶被打成青黑色。The boy had black eye after the fight.

孩子们向他寻衅打架。The children bantered him for a fight.