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这八百多米长的神道上。Along this 800-meter-long Divine Road.

日本是一个以神道教为信仰基础的国家和民族。Japan is a Shinto faith basis for the country and people.

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那个石拱门标志着通往陵墓的神道的开始。The Stone Arch marks the beginning of the Sacred Way to the Tombs.

如果是指神道教的神社的话,那个门叫做鸟居。If it is referring to the Shinto shrine, then known as the Torii gate.

她痴爱那微弱无知的小东西,当他神道似的崇拜他。She enveloped the feeble and unconscious creature with love and worship.

不管如何,你是从哪知道神道教起源资料的?However, where do you get the information from about the origins of Shintoism?

神道“这个词源自汉语的神道,意思是”神的法则“。The word "Shinto" is derived from the Chinese words shin tao, the "way of the gods.

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布局以昭陵、神道为纵轴,延伸南北形成中轴线。Layout to Zhao Ling, Shinto for the vertical axis, the extension of a north-south axis.

主要信奉神道和佛教,少数人信奉基督教和道教等。Shintoism and Buddhism are the major religions, with minority of Christians and Daoist, etc.

山崎暗斋是日本江户时代前期的儒学家,垂加神道的创始人。Yamazaki amsai is a Confucianist in former period of Ajdo Times, and the founder of Sieika Shinto.

龙神道相信指引方向的最大力量莫过于心。The Way of the Dragon God believes that the heart, more than anything else, points the way forward.

神社是日本神道的重要组成部分,在神道信仰中扮演着重要角色。Shinto shrine is an essential part in Japanese Shinto, it also plays an important role in Shinto faith.

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当时也有原始的咸水海洋,它和女性神道有关。You have a primeval salt water ocean which is identified Tiamat with a female divine principle, Tiamat.

在葬礼之后,人们开始重建新房,重新开始生活,此时神道教则会成为主角。After the funerals, when people begin building new homes and their lives, Shinto will move center stage.

当今的日本人,在信仰上除了信奉神道以外,还信奉佛教、基督教、伊斯兰教等。Nowadays the Japanese also believe in Buddhism, Christianity and Islam as well as believing in Shintoism.

相扑很早就融入神道教的净化仪式中,后来才成为宫廷娱乐。Early on, sumo was incorporated into Shinto purification rituals, after which it became court entertainment.

神社是日本神道信仰的凝聚物,它扎根于日本民族生存发展的生活基层。Jinja is a coagulation of Japanese Shinto's belief which took root in the basic life of Japanese nationality.

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他是神道成肉身,降世为人,为了承受了我们所有的罪和我们应有的惩罚,而死在十字架上。He was God incarnate, became man, carried our sins and all the punishment that is due us and died on the cross.

严岛位于濑户内海,自古以来一直是神道教的圣地。The island of Itsukushima, in the Seto inland sea, has been a holy place of Shintoism since the earliest times.

上周才刚刚庆祝完基督教的圣诞节,又轮到了神道教的初次参拜了。Actually, we celebrated Christian Christmas one week ago and we visit a Shinto shrine on New Year's Day like this.