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保持良好的卫生习惯。Have good hygiene.

一定不要放弃你的卫生防护!Don't drop your guard!

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养成良好的卫生习惯。Practice good hygiene.

这是非常不卫生的。This is very unhygienic.

我会少讲究些卫生。I would be less hygienic.

在医药卫生领域。In the field of medicine.

锻炼身体,讲究卫生。Do exercise and be hygiene.

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卫生再生自己。Health regenerates on its own.

良好的个人卫生习惯及食品卫生Good personal and food hygiene.

什么是国际卫生条例的历史?What is the history of the IHR?

请协助我们,保持火车清洁卫生。Help us to keep the train clean.

性卫生保健权。The right to sexual health care.

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水和卫生设施如何?What about water and sanitation?

谁今天打扫卫生,等等。who's going to clean what, yeah.

如何改进卫生统计?How do statistics improve health?

提高面包店的卫生、整洁度。Improve sanitation at shop level.

我们不需要清洁卫生的公厕!!!Say No To Clean Public Toliet! ! !

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我们将实现卫生方面的成果。We will attain results for health.

他在卫生处工作。He works for the health department.

请协助我们保持车厢清洁卫生。Help us to keep the car litter-free.