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如果你是自营商的身分有时候可以少付些税金。Sometimes you pay fewer taxes if you're self-employed.

我公司拥有进出口自营权。The company can do import and export business by itself.

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例如贝尔斯登,那个最近倒闭的经纪自营商。For example Bear Stearns which is a broker-dealer failed recently.

情节严重的,停止其自营业务。Operations of those of which cases are serious are to be terminated.

俟此事过,消息始发自营内的主脑人物,德国投降了。The Germans had surrendered! Our "bamboo radio" had brought the news.

本公司成立于2001年,为私人自营海产干货有限公司。The company was established in 2001 for private self-dry seafood Limited.

企业拥有自营进出口经营权,可直接与外商开展贸易。We have the license to run lmp. &Exp. Business directly with any country.

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DF气田是中国海上第一个自营大气田。DF gas field is the first offshore self-operation giant gas field in China.

公司拥有自营出口权,产品销往国内外。The enterprise has the inport-exprot operation, the products are sold abroad.

全市自营进出口生产企业达30家。The production enterprises with self-operated import and export right are 30.

进一步扩大生产企业自营出口,调动企业增加出口的积极性。Is the enterprise an export-oriented or a supplier to a large exporting enterprise?

本文从研究海尔自营物流入手,论述了海尔物流创新之路。I study Haier from its inbound Logistics and its innovative way of logistics reform.

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通过了ISO9001质量体系认证,拥有自营进出口权。Passed the ISO9001 quality system certification, with self-import and export rights.

第六,购买商店的自营品牌商品,多选择之余也较便宜。Sixth, the self-brand stores to buy merchandise, and more choices while also cheaper.

代理及自营船舶机械设备和备件的进出口业务。We are also operator and agency of marine equipment & spare parts imports and exports.

监管机构不一定要抓住每一笔伪装为做市活动的自营交易。The regulators don't have to catch every prop trade disguised as a market-making trade.

公司创建于1998年,是生产贸易型企业,享有自营出口权。The company was established in 1998, and production and trade enterprise, are sell-well.

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湖北元盛贸易有限责任公司成立于1998年。本公司拥有自营进出口权。Hubei Yusun Co. , Ltd was established on 1998. And it has it's own import & export right.

在不同时期,同一个人或公司可能会分别充当经纪商或自营商的角色。The same individual or firm may function, at different times, either as broker or dealer.

公司在各口岸自营超过1,000平方米的货仓。Warehousing – we renting several warehouses occupying more than total 1000 square meters.