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我认为你是不合纰缪的。I don't think you re right.

这篇散文不合标准。The essay is below the mark.

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我们正赶上不合时季的淫雨。Unseasonable rains overtook us.

这种食物不合她的胃口。The food did not agree with her.

我们现在是在不合规则的水中”。We're in unchartered waters now.

这些节目不合我的口味。These programs are not to my taste.

这件衣服不合身。This dress doesn’t fit me any more.

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今天我穿了一双不合脚的鞋。Today I wore a pair of unfit shoes.

我想你那样不合纰缪。i think you're mistaken about that.

她的头脑真奇怪到了不合常情的地步。She has got such an artificial mind.

用汤匙舀取豌豆吃是不合礼节的。It's improper to eat peas with a spoon.

他想象--这当然是不合礼节的。He conjures -- surely this is indecorous.

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他的地位不合他的理想。His position did not jibe with his ideal.

这些不合脚。你们有小一点的吗?They don't fit. Do you have smaller ones?

可是关于一个送货员来说,事变又不合了。But to a deliveryman, things are different.

这是不合圣经的,对真理的扭曲。It is an unbiblical distortion of the truth.

这鞋不合脚,把皮都磨掉了。The shoe fits badly and has rubbed the skin.

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如果你穿的鞋子不合脚,你也不会感到舒服。If your shoes aren't comfortable, you aren't.

你方还盘价格不合娌。The price you counter-offered is unreasonable.

难道你不知道你的工作不合标准吗?Can't you see that your work is below standard?