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上海儿童性教育夏令营无人问津。Shanghai kids' sexed camp fails to excite.

此外,森岛返回到墨西哥和无人问津!Also, Morishima returns to Mexico and nobody cares!

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抗缆一场无人问津的梦,一场水月镜花的蹉跎。A dream nobody cares, a Suigetsu mirror flower wasted.

在那些偏僻地区里新观念仍然无人问津。New ideas in those remote areas remain in deep freeze.

两年以前,在长岛署期工作无人问津。Two years ago, summer jobs on Long Island were going begging.

如果由于升级导致你的排名下降,无人问津,你或许会迁怒于谷歌。If your rankings are soured by an update you may become angry at Google.

那种机器可能无人问津,因为没有人记住它的名字。That machine probably didn' t sell because no one could remember its name!

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全国的船厂有着成千艘无人问津的旧船。Boatyards around the country hold thousands of old boats no one will ever buy.

不过电影研究,一直以来也无人问津,电影研究的热潮也就是最近几十年的事情。But in the case of film studies, that was also a taboo subject until recently.

没有用处的物种无人问津,一些“害虫”甚至被不惜一切代价地毁灭。What isn't useful is irrelevant, or even a "pest", to be destroyed at all cost.

1989年,马歇尔敦的拉美裔移民新来乍到,既与世隔绝又无人问津。In 1989, Hispanic immigrants in Marshalltown were isolated and ignored newcomers.

美国西部地区到处都是过去那些废弃的城市,它们被人遗忘,早已无人问津。The West is dotted with forgotten, uninhabited towns that are relics of the past.

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而对教育界日益突起的这支“80后”新军,几乎是无人问津。And the education of the growing process of this new post-80 military, almost no one.

但一直以来,国内外研究者甚少,尤其在药效学方面的研究更是无人问津。It has been little research at domestic and abroad, particularly in pharmacodynamics.

烘干窑立在那里无人问津,直到有一天人们认识到,他们可以利用它来廉价地烧制陶罐过滤器。The kiln sat there until it was realized that they could cheaply fire silver filters.

如果推广没做好,那可能是冷冷清清,无人问津的。If promotion was not done good, that may be cold and cheerless, of unmanned make inquires.

除了教书先生教学生的几首外,其它的就无人问津。In addition to teach Sir's teaching living of several head, other of ask about for no man.

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于是,舍弃许多休闲时光,躲在无人问津的角落啃书本。So, to abandon many leisure time, hiding in the corner no one shows any interest in books.

还有一种情况就是有价无市,即他硬标个高价挺在那里,无人问津。Another situation is a price no city that he quite hard with a high where no one is interested.

一开始我想会有人去做,但好几个月都无人问津,所以我自己做掉了"。I thought someone else would do it, but after a few months no one had, so I just did it myself.