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你要慢慢适应这种逐步同化You've got to do this gradual assimilation.

欧洲人和犹太人不易同化。Europeans and Jews do not readily assimilate.

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成岩作用是分离结晶和同化混染联合作用。What is the role of the UN Secretary-General?

什么是同化、异化和换位?What is assimilation, dissimilation and metathesis?

美国仍然是惊人的同化机器。The U.S. is still an astonishing assimilation machine.

大粒生长势强,有利于对当时同化物的竞争。The bigger kernel helps compete assimilate at that time.

推进获取元数据的标准趋同化。Promote convergence of standards for harvesting metadata.

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你将新信息纳入已有的认知结构中,便是同化You could expand it to encompass new things, assimilation.

种族、文化、语言上高度同化的国家。A highly homogenized country in race, culture, language etc.

这种新的纳米技术仅在同化拉什提供!This new nano-technology is only available in Anabolic Rush!

不同国籍的人常要过一段时间才会为某个国家所同化。But Zimbabwe, unlike Ghana, does not permit dual citizenship.

美国、以色列和巴西是种族融合和社会文化同化的融炉。The United States, Isreal, and Brazil are great melting pots.

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同化混染的岩石主要是海西期或燕山期花岗岩。The rocks of the assimilation are Hercynian-Yanshan granites.

成岩作用是分离结晶和同化混染联合作用。He have play a major role in the formation of the United Nation.

有限度的水分亏缺,有利于同化物向籽粒调运。Limited water deficient benefit assimilate transporting to seeds.

非英语民族很快被同化了。Non-English-speaking peoples tended to become quickly assimilated.

美国已将成千上万的移民同化了。America has assimilated millions of immigrants into its way of life.

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阿芝科特联盟源于一场对外征服和同化的战役。The Aztec confederacy began a campaign of conquest and assimilation.

事实上,中国的民族政策很全面,就是不包括文化同化。In fact, there is everything but cultural assimilation in our policy.

这一政策的实质是民族压迫和民族同化。The essence of such a policy is national oppression and assimilation.