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我记得岸上的壁垒。I remember the bulwarks by the shore.

我们需要减轻南南贸易的壁垒。We need lower barriers to South-South trade.

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至于左派与右派,在宗教信仰上是否也壁垒分明?Are the left and right so religiously cleaved ?

李高称这样的贸易壁垒将是一场“灾难”。Li said such a trade barrier would be a "disaster".

实际的结果就是双方壁垒更加分明。The practical result was to harden the battle lines.

我们会重新考虑高科技产品出口壁垒。We are reconsidering the embargo on hi-tech products.

如果出现贸易壁垒,最终所有人都会受损。In the end, everyone loses if there are trade barriers.

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当完成这些的时候回到亡灵壁垒的梅拉那里。Return to Mehlar at the Bulwark when you have done this.

踏过他们的残躯迈向壁垒。Trample on their broken carcasses to reach the ramparts.

我们意识到,规模是敲开市场的主要壁垒。We realized the main barrier to entry is going to be scale.

社会民主主义在她自身和灾难间构筑了一条壁垒。Social democracy is one bulwark between itself and disaster.

欧洲联盟必须减少市场准入方面的壁垒。The European Union needs to reduce barriers to market access.

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应当如何解决因技术壁垒所引发的知识产权争讼?How to settle the IPR disputes incurred by technical barriers?

你们是全世界壁垒分明的时期出生的最后一代人。But you are the last generation born when the world was divided.

这就是说,很多长期支持美元的壁垒开始变得弱小。That said, many long-standing dollar bulwarks are looking weaker.

而降低贸易壁垒有助于通过竞争减少垄断利润。But lowering trade barriers can help compete away monopoly profits.

如果你渴望财富的话,把你的钱存到壁垒城的矮人金库中吧。If you desire money, store it at the Dwarven Treasury in a Rampart.

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这一赌注就是消除国际贸易壁垒。The pot-sweetener is the elimination ofinternational trade barriers.

这种用壁垒作挡箭牌的做法只会加重经济危机。Such retreats behind barriers will only make the economic crisis worse.

在投资方针委员会内,也同样是壁垒分明。The split was also evident in the line-up of the money policy committee.