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这和样品相符。It comes up to sample.

一切都与此结论相符。Everything is consistent with it.

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你的叙述与事实相符。Your story agrees with the facts.

这个剧本与原著不相符。The play does not agree with the book.

质量必须与货样相符。The quality must conform to the sample.

提示姓名和证件号码必须与有效证件相符。Name and PassPort NO. , must fill in actual.

这同资政的观察是完全相符的。This observation is consistent with Mr Lees.

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Flash还是没有在交互性上名实相符。Flash still has no equal to its interactivity.

保险业必须重新名实相符。Underwriting must once again deserve the name.

这和你刚读给我听的描述相符吗?Does this fit the description you just read me?

她所说的与事实完全相符。What she says tallies with the facts perfectly.

他的举止行为与他的地位不相符。His behavior is quite out of tune with his position.

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在强耦合区两种计算方法结果相符。The two methods agree in the strong coupling region.

你现在说的话与你上星期说的话不相符。What you say is not compliance with that of last week.

所有这些说法都与阿卡西记录相符。All these claims are consistent with the Akashic Records.

那么这与我们上述结论是否相符呢?Does that match our conclusions from above? Yes, it does.

逐笔查明原因,并按月编制“银行存款余额调节表”调节相符。Check "Bank Deposit Journey" and at least once each month.

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我喜欢踢前腰,这与我的特点相符。I prefer the trequartista role, it suits my characteristics.

她是一位宁静的女性,这似乎与她的名声不怎么相符。She was a quiet woman and often seemed uneasy with her fame.

印度电影业的拘谨与整个社会环境并不相符。The primness of Indian cinema is at odds with wider society.