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我上当了!I've been diddled!

好好学股,天天上当。Good good stary day day up!

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忽悠我!我不会上当。Flick me! I don't belive you.

我有种受骗上当的感觉,但我不在乎。I felt cheated, but I didn`t care.

他用假计划使她上当。He used the fake plans to trick her.

戴安娜正在时装表演会上当模特。Diana is modeling for a fashion show.

他的无知使他很容易受骗上当。His simplicity made him easily fooled.

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你愿意在下周歌咏比赛上当裁判吗?Will you the singing competition week.

幸运的是奈杰尔没有上当。Luckily Nigel did not fall for the trap.

所以爱情这孩子也就处处上当。So the boy love is perjured every where.

你不会去,因为你不会受骗上当。You wouldn't go coz you know it's a trap.

哦,不,不,我不会上当的,孩子。Oh, no, no. I am not taking that bait, kiddo.

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他们受骗上当买了一辆破机器。They were tricked into buying a poor machine.

从前都有过,我们的头脑多上当。Hath been before, how are our brains beguiled.

可直到住进来,我们才发现上当了。Until people can live, we found that swindled.

我不会上当的,我知道你又来耍我。I won't buy it, I know you are horsing me around.

也许没做什麽事,通常都会在他的床上当懒人。Probably nothing, vegging out on his bed as usual.

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她舅舅在军舰上当了两年文书军士。Her uncle spent two years on a warship as a yeoman.

可别上当--他纯粹是江湖医生。That doctor is just a quack, he should be reported.

他曾在约翰·埃弗里的船上当学徒He was an apprentice pirate aboard John Avery's ship.