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他的言谈闪现着智慧。His talk gleamed with wit.

他的讲话闪现着机智。Wit gleamed out in his talk.

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她的眼中闪现出一丝阴郁的目光。Her eyes flashed a shading glance.

一个新主意闪现在他的脑海里。A fresh idea flashed upon his mind.

一个严重的想法在她的思想中闪现。A terrible thought gleamed in her mind.

我一下子睁开了双眼,眼前闪现的是黎明前的灰暗。My eyes flash open in the predawn gray.

眼前闪现的,最后的那一缕白色。Came the immediate end of the Yilv white.

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这些字眼不停在我脑海里闪现。These phrases ricocheted through my head.

她心中仍然闪现着一线希望。A faint hope still flickered in his breast.

甚至于可以在屏幕上闪现出分数!You could even flash a scoreboard on screen!

雷锋的英雄形象闪现在我的眼前!The heroic image of Lei Feng flashed before my eyes.

首先在我脑中闪现的就是这个例子。This was the instance that occured first to my mind.

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当我观察他们的时候,那些项目在我脑中闪现。As I watched them, the theses project flashed to my mind.

他脑海里闪现着一层一层的监狱设计图。His mind flashes through layers and layers of blue prints.

月圆将近,果园在刺眼的月光下闪现。The orchard glittered in the harsh light of a near-full moon.

在这世界里,蜂鸟却闪现于万物之前。In the world where the humming-bird flashed ahead of creation.

他最新的小说是在坐车时突发奇想,灵光闪现。His latest novel came to him while sitting in traffic in Tokyo.

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如果突然灵光乍现,记下脑海中闪现的每个想法。If clarity strikes, jot down every idea that crosses your mind.

突然,穿过阴霾,他看到了橙色的光在闪现。Suddenly, through the haze, he saw a bright flash of orange light.

因此在初识的眼神中,没有其它的东西能像纯纯的爱闪现出迷人的光芒!For this reason, there is no such thing as true love at first sight.