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我是个影戏迷。I am a movie buff.

我们被这部影戏所深深地感动。We were deeply moved by the movie.

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这部影戏讲评了很多关于生活。The movie tells us a lot about life.

她被当作是天生的影戏明星。She was considered a born movie star.

电影戏服中很少有比这更稀罕的了。Film costume rarely gets better than this.

昨天咱们看的影戏真有趣儿!What an interesting film we saw yesterday!

他问“你以为这部影戏怎样样?”"What do you think of the film? "he asked.

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描写一部你看过的、明明对于你有启示的影戏。Describe a movie you've seen that really inspired you.

英语能帮手我们相识许多书战影戏。English can help us understand⑤ many new books and movies.

影戏明星走上舞台时观众向她喝彩。The audience cheered the movie star as she walked on stage.

他又写了其他一些受欢迎的文章,并在影戏和电视上露面。He wrote other popular articles and appeared in movies and television.

她酷好番笕剧、浪漫小说和讲演夸姣爱情故事的影戏。She loved soap operas, romance novels and movies with a good love story.

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你们会在影戏中透露多少战术方面的消息?会有几小我私人的视角?How much of the tactics is spoiled in the movie and the different POVs btw?

孩子们该当被容许星期五早晨和冤家们一同去看影戏。The children should be allowed to go to the movies with friends on Friday nights.

名为尤达普的星球曾浮此刻先前两部星战影戏的草图内里。The planet name "Utapau" appears in the early drafts of two previous Star Wars films.

寓目英语发音的英语电视节目或影戏。I watch English language TV shows spoken in English or go to movies spoken in English.

影戏的末了演的是谁的悲,你的眼眸唱的是谁的不安。At the end of the movie play who is the sadness, the eyes of you sing is who uneasiness.

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自古以来,中国影戏的生存方式就是多元的,而且随着生存环境的变化而自我作出调整。Chinese shadow play exists by various means, it adapts itself to the change of environment.

第三章为新时期影戏观创作实践经典案例分析。Chapter three analyzes some classic cases of creation practice on photoplay views in new age.

这起绑架案听起来好象是尼日利亚充裕没有风姿的影戏内中的一个蹩脚片断。The abduction sounds like a far-fetched script from one of Nigeria's popular outlandish films.