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傍晚回返亚庇市酒店休息。Evening return to Kota Kinabalu hotel.

为那些快乐和忧伤回返。Reach back for the joy and the sorrow.

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瓦斯活塞有它自己的回返春天。The gas piston has its own return spring.

他们很快便被遗忘,也永远不再回返。They are soon forgotten and never return.

早餐后乘客船回返红土坎码头。After breakfast back to Lumut Jetty by ferry.

倾斜上升有一点更高回返。Its mid-rise tilts to hit slightly higher in back.

要修正这个问题,你可以用到回返引用。In order to fix this, you can use back referencing.

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送往机场,乘搭新航客机回返汶莱。Transfer to airport for your flight back to Brunei.

吃完饭后,他立刻就回返到工作岗位上。After dinner, he immediately returned to his work position.

宽恕是心灵回返认识上主。Forgiveness is the return of the mind to the awareness of God.

无论我攀登得多高,总能护我平安回返。No matter how high I climb, She guides me safely back to earth.

在这两个极端下,人们往往都回返回到某一个快乐默认点。In both extremes, people tend to return to a happiness set point.

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买主告示和印章、和回返草稿为签字对卖方缩短。Buyer signs and seals, and returns Draft Contract to the Seller for signature.

过去那样的移民再也不会回返了,新的移民本质上就是不同的。The old immigration will not return, the new immigration is of a different nature.

在军队的回返之上,鳕党有了他自己范围而且委托到训练官员。Upon the army's return, Ling Tong had himself bound and submitted to the discipline officer.

潮水还涨著,夕阳跟著你到海堤尽头,你漫步牵车回返。The afterglow shadowed you till the end of the seawall. You strolled back, carrying your bike.

即使他们做不,我们的退休计划不无论如何以来自那些财产的任何的回返为基础。Even if they don't, our retirement plan is not based on any return from those properties anyway.

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右江弧后盆地的关闭经历了突变式回返褶皱和渐变隆起上升两种不同的构造作用。The closure ofYoujiang back-arc basin went through abrupt inversing-folding and gradual uplifting.

该盆地的发展和演化经历了稳定台地阶段、裂陷充填阶段和回返成陆阶段。The development of the basin has undergone steady platform stage, fault fill stage and epeirogeny stage.

那一天,我驱车从北京匆匆回返故里,到赤峰时已是灯火点燃的夜晚。On that day, I hastily drove back to homeland, it had been nighttime in lights when I arrived at Chifeng.