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我是否过多地侵扰了别人的悲痛?Did I intrude too far into people\'s grief?

该村村民常常受到土匪的侵扰。The villagers were harassed by the bandits.

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我们抗击了中东地区出现的侵扰。We faced down aggression in the Middle East.

灭病媒药,杀害物剂根除侵扰的药剂,如虫害的药剂。An agent that eradicates an infestation as of vermin.

他们侵扰我们的私生活是毫无道理的。Their intrusion into our private lives is unwarrantable.

在一个天气清明的夜晚,我带着提包和行李,侵扰了他的家庭。One fine evening with bag and baggage I invaded his home.

改善居住环境将有助于预防虫害侵扰。Improved living conditions will help prevent new infestations.

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准备好一份好的心情,不让忧郁和愁思侵扰我的心情。Ready for a good mood, not depressed and I feel find intrusive.

北美洲西部侵扰鼠洞的牛蛇。Bull snake of western north america that invades rodent burrows.

对比形成的侵扰和挤压火成岩。Contrast the formation of intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks.

自1991年俄罗斯开始衰落以来,美国一直在不依不饶地侵扰他们。The US has been kicking Russia while it was down ever since 1991.

许多房屋都配有脚柱使它们免受未来水害的侵扰。Many are built on stilts to keep them above any future high water.

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免受侵扰的自由意思是有自己独处的权利。Freedom from intrusion means that we have the right to be left alone.

共和城深受犯罪侵扰,还有反御术活动。Republic City is a city plagued by crime. There’s an anti-bender revolt.

乔纳斯不敢侵扰他弟弟和西顿的美妙时刻。He dared not intrude on the magical moment between his brother and Seton.

默罕默德的妻子给这些种子抹上灰,以保护它们免受象鼻虫侵扰。Mohammed's wife has rubbed the seeds in ash to protect them from weevils.

侵扰隐居最常发生在搜集新闻的过程中。Intrusion on seclusion most commonly arises in the context of news gathering.

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双方互有攻伐侵扰,又有和平相处。Both sides had not only invading and harassing, but also peaceful coexistence.

跳蚤侵扰是困扰猫狗的10大病症之一。Flea infestation was additionally among the top 10 diagnoses for dogs and cats.

我朋友比别人晚进入KBS工作,最近则受梦魇侵扰。My friend who joined KBS later than others said that he had a nightmare recently.