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对不起,我有约在先了。Sorry, I'm engaged.

我已经有约在先。I have a pervious engagement.

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对不起,这曲探戈我已有约在先了。Sorry, I'm engaged for this tango.

抱歉,这曲交谊舞我已经有约在先了。Sorry, I'm engaged for the social dance.

抱歉,这交际舞我有约在先了。Sorry, I am engaged for the social dance.

我非常想去,但是我和别人有约在先。I'd love to, but I have a prior engagement.

是的是的。我们有约在先。我马上去做。All right. We agreed. I'll do it in a minute.

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我因有约在先,无法出席。I was unable to attend because of a engagement.

啊,恐怕不行。我已经有约在先了。Oh, I'm afraid I can't. I've had a date already.

我因有约在先故不能出席。I am unable to attend because of a previous engagement.

星期一我不能和你见面,因为我有约在先了。I cannot see you on Monday because I have a previous engagement.

由于和别人有约在先,我不能参加晚会。I was unable to attend the party because of a prior appointment.

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我因有约在先,所以未能参加这个会。I was unable to attend the meeting because of a prior engagement.

非常感谢您的好意,不过我已经有约在先了。That’s very kind of you but I’m afraid I have a prior engagement.

但是你已有约在先,你真的必须走了,你可以说,but you have a prior engagement and you really must be going, you can say,

我有约在先,恐怕不能与你共进晚餐。I fear that a prior engagement will prohibit me from joining you at dinner.

我有约在先,恐怕不能与你共进晚餐。I fear that a prior engagement will prohibit me from joining you in dinner.

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我有约在先,故不能接受你善意的邀请,实在感到遗憾。I regret that a previous engagement prevents me from accepting your kind invitation.

我们非常愿意接受你们的邀请,但由于有约在先,不能出席,非常抱歉。We have much pleasure in accepting your invitation but deeply regret having to refuse owing to a previous engagement.

由于有约在先,我不能接受下星期六与您共进晚餐的邀请,对此深表遗憾。I sincerely regret that owing to a prior engagement I am obliged to decline your kind invitation to dinner next Saturday.