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我以为他是诚笃的。I thellonk he is honest.

诚笃,但要保持正面姿势。Be honest but remain positive.

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我愿意饶恕你,你是诚笃的。I will pardon you, who are honest.

“汤姆很生气,”但这是不诚笃的。"Tom said angrily, "But that's not honest.

我不克不及保证这个男孩是诚笃的。I can't answer for it that the boy is honest.

诚笃与勤奋成为你永久的朋友。Honestly and diligence should be your eternal mates.

他很诚笃,所以我信赖他说的话。He is very honest, that's why I believe in what he says.

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他似乎信佛,但从不曾诚笃于佛。He seems to believe Buddhism, but never have faith in it.

诚笃,踊跃,仔细,敢于接管挑战。Honest, positive, detailed and courage to meet challenge.

我赏识诚笃、有缔造力和布满激情的人。I admire a person who is honest, creative and passionate.

“是啊,”我对那位经理说,“此日下上还是有诚笃可言的!”Well, ' I said to the manager, 'there is still some honesty in this world! '

的确,大大都人高兴经过诚笃的办事来获取财产。It is true that most of them try to acquire wealth by means of honest labour.

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她告诫本身年轻的儿子知道诚笃、坦率和独立判断的重要性。She cautioned his young son, know how to be honest, frank and independent judgments importance.

在这个题目上,你务必保留诚笃,由于自欺也通向“怠惰”最多见的门路。You must be honest with yourself , because self -deception is one of the commonest roads to Acedia.

伙伴或朋友是愿意以同等回应你投入的精力和诚笃的。A partner or friend is willing to match the energy and intensity that you put into the relationship.

贵公司的刚正和诚笃不管在雇员心中还是在顾客心中都享有崇高佳誉。It is an institution in the minds of the local public. It has a reputation for fair play and honesty with both employees and customers alike.

职业品德与端正诚笃的风致是高端计划办事的基石,而在本日这一点显得尤为紧张。The professional ethics and integrity, honest are the cornerstone of high service of design, this point is particularly important at present.

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科伦坡教堂里的翁德牧师,原是一个诚笃热心的基督教徒,但是他的顽固脾气和他那种严肃的正教教条,使他的为人变得非常偏执。Pastor Wundt, the shepherd of the Columbus church, was a sincere and ardent Christian, but his bigotry and hard-and-fast orthodoxy made him intolerant.

王统照是一位“诚笃,严谨”①、“朴实,诚挚”②的作家和学者,也是一位“一丝不苟地担起全部责任”③的编辑。Mr. Wang Tongzhao is a simple and sincere writer and scholar as well as a meticulous and conscientious editor who "shoulders all the responsibilities carefully".