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然而,就像巴萨,球队在欧洲冠军杯上总是折戟沉沙。However, no matter what just like Barca, the Champions League eluded them.

这款手机子发布之始便时运不济,推出的短短几个星期后便折戟沉沙。The phone was star-crossed from its released, and a few short weeks after launch.

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设计可用于手术室的三维显示的尝试早已有之,但是最终都落得了折戟沉沙的结局。Past attempts to design a 3D display for use in the operating theatre have not worked.

许多盟军的战舰和货船最终折戟沉沙,不过“卡拉辛”号却可以存活。Many Allied ships and cargo vessels failed to reach their destination, but the ‘Krasin’ could survive.

我们大学的辩论队在全国比赛中折戟沉沙。居然连第一轮都没过。Our university debate team tanked in the national tournament. They didn't even make it out of the first round.

除非你遇到的是一个真正出色的设计师,否则这十大误区足以让你的任何企业形象战略折戟沉沙。Except in the hands of a truly exceptional designer, these 10 mistakes will cripple any corporate branding strategy.

当时,新浪的游戏业务已经折戟沉沙,门户中只有网易游戏取得了成功。At that time, the game business of sina has folded halberd heavy sand, only Netease game gained a success in the portal.

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我很惊讶那些能够挺过大萧条时期的公司却在这场经济学家甚至还不认为是衰退的危机中折戟沉沙。It is shocking that firms that withstood the Great Depression are now failing in what economists might not even call a recession.

不仅是邓智仁,其他在生意场上折戟沉沙的企业家其实都还有翻本的能力,但真正取得成功的人并不多。Not only is Dengzhiren, other business entrepreneurs are also broken ground recovery capabilities, but not many people truly successful.

写字楼这个原来让很多房地产开发商折戟沉沙、至今还有点谈“楼”色变的领域又似乎成了抢手货。Many real estate developers for the original office broken, so there are points Tan ", " pale at the very areas also seem to have become hot demand.

读写网四月份在简要介绍GeoCities的关闭时,曾预测会有很多网络构建工具会遭遇折戟沉沙的后果。When ReadWriteWeb profiled the closure of GeoCities in April we predicted that a number of web site building tools would also meet their unfortunate end.

而令人尴尬的是,相当一部分期房销售阶段的所谓“明星楼盘”到入住时却折戟沉沙,投诉、纠纷接踵而至。And the embarrassing is that a considerable number of auction sales phase of the so-called "star property" to live in when broken, complaints, disputes followed.

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此轮上涨在辞旧迎新之际折戟沉沙,因为有大量证据显示美国经济正在放缓,而中国和印度的股市也骤然下跌。This rally foundered at the turn of the year, under a welter of evidence of a slowing economy in the US, while the stock markets of China and India suddenly fell.

有些干部正因为“个性比较强”,虽多有才华却常常折戟沉沙,而个别平庸者往往被看重。Some cadres because " personality is stronger " , although more talent often folds halberd heavy sand however, and individual and commonplace person often be valued.

此次美国雷曼兄弟等一些投资银行折戟沉沙,导致中国数家国有金融企业损失数亿美元。This American Brother Leiman and so on some Investment bank total defeat, causes the Chinese several state-owned finance enterprises to lose several billions US dollars.

多少昔日荣光已是折戟沉沙,无比巨大的力量,赋予给一只只矫健的海燕,翱翔在海天之间,冷冷地注视着现实。The number of past glory is the sink like a stone, incomparably great power, granted to only a strong and vigorous petrel, flying in the sky, it is cold to watch the reality.

虽然,那琴鼓和琴弦早已经破败而折断,却让我久久流连,感叹着“折戟沉沙铁未销,自将磨洗认前朝”。Although those drum and strings have dilapidated and broken, but let me linger on it for a long long time, and sighed with emotion, "forays iron not pins, since will confess mostly remaining.

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虽然,那琴鼓和琴弦早已经破败而折断,却让我久久流连,感叹着“折戟沉沙铁未销,自将磨洗认前朝”。Although those drum and strings have dilapidated and broken, but let me linger on it for a long long time, and sighed with emotion, "forays iron not pins, since will confess mostly remaining."